首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币挖矿操作骗局曝光,司法部提出指控

Crypto Mining Operation Scam Revealed, Charges Filed By DoJ


发布: 2024/02/04 06:17 阅读: 887




Attempting crypto-mining operations in the school is becoming common nowadays. The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) uncovered many of such cases. Recently, the DoJ filed charges against senior staff members of the Patterson Joint Unified School District. The two senior staff including Jeffrey Menge and Eric Drabert addressed attempting crypto mining operations in the premises of 10 district schools.   

如今,尝试在学校进行加密货币挖矿活动已经变得很常见。美国司法部(DoJ)发现了许多此类案件。最近,司法部对帕特森联合联合学区的高级工作人员提出指控。 Jeffrey Menge 和 Eric Drabert 等两名高级员工尝试在 10 所学区学校进行加密货币挖矿作业。

The Crypto Mining Fraud  


Crypto mining is the approach of validating the facts in a blockchain by creating a cryptographic solution. The process requires a high amount of energy and mining resources and in return, the miners are provided with rewards in the form of tokens.  


To earn tokens, two senior staff of the school attempted crypto mining operations from over 10 district school premises. They were using the school resources and enhanced electricity costs for mining coins and transferring the rewards to their crypto wallets. 

为了赚取代币,学校的两名高级工作人员尝试在 10 多个学区的校舍进行加密货币挖矿作业。他们利用学校资源和增加的电力成本来开采硬币并将奖励转移到他们的加密钱包中。

Eric Drabert is the IT director whereas Jeffrey Menge is the assistant superintendent and chief business officer of the school. High energy consumption seeks the attention of the authorities towards the scam.  

埃里克·德拉伯特 (Eric Drabert) 是学校的 IT 总监,而杰弗里·门格 (Jeffrey Menge) 是学校的助理院长兼首席商务官。高能耗引起当局对这一骗局的关注。

Mining operations require a high amount of energy. As per Coingecko data, around 266,000 kilowatt-hours which is equal to 7 years of continuous electricity is consumed in mining a single Bitcoin. 

采矿作业需要大量能源。根据 Coingecko 的数据,开采一个比特币大约消耗 266,000 千瓦时,相当于 7 年的连续电力消耗。

According to DoJ, both the members, bought high-end graphic cards and installed the same on school property to develop a crypto mining setup. However, detailed facts about the scam have not been revealed yet, but it is expected that Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), and Ravecoin (RVN) will be mined. 

据司法部称,两名成员都购买了高端显卡,并将其安装在学校场地上,以开发加密货币挖矿设置。然而,有关该骗局的详细事实尚未披露,但预计比特币 (BTC)、狗狗币 (DOGE)、门罗币 (XMR) 和 Ravecoin (RVN) 将被开采。

Furthermore, Menge stole over $1 Million and $1.5 Million whereas Drabert made around $250K and $300K during the fraud, confirmed DoJ.  

此外,美国司法部证实,Menge 盗窃了超过 100 万美元和 150 万美元,而 Drabert 在欺诈过程中分别获利了约 25 万美元和 30 万美元。

How Regulatory is Handling the Situation


The case of crypto mining on the school premises is not new. In August 2023, two individuals were arrested for stealing around $1.5 Million in electricity from Cohasset High School. The fraud was confirmed by Bulgarian law enforcement agents. 

在校舍进行加密货币挖矿的情况并不新鲜。 2023 年 8 月,两人因从 Cohasset 高中窃取约 150 万美元的电力而被捕。保加利亚执法人员证实了这一欺诈行为。

The scam took place between April 28 and December 14, 2021, and the miner was addressed stealing electricity worth $17,492.57 to operate the mining system. 

该骗局发生在 2021 年 4 月 28 日至 12 月 14 日期间,该矿工被指控窃取价值 17,492.57 美元的电力来运行挖矿系统。

Keeping all these scenarios in mind, The DoJ and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) come up with a few of the rules for crypto miners. As per the new rule, crypto miners should report the energy utilization for six months. The initiative will help government bodies examine and understand the energy consumption in mining operations.   

考虑到所有这些情况,美国司法部和美国能源部 (DOE) 制定了一些针对加密货币矿工的规则。根据新规则,加密货币矿工应报告六个月的能源利用率。该倡议将帮助政府机构检查和了解采矿作业的能源消耗情况。

The thing is that despite the growth of the cryptocurrency industry, high energy consumption is affecting the environment adversely. 


To work on the concern, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) planned a survey. The survey will help the regulators in investigating and recording the energy usage by the local mining companies. Miners are required to provide information linked to energy usage. Investigating the details will help EIA understand energy consumption.        

为了解决这个问题,美国能源信息署 (EIA) 计划进行一项调查。该调查将帮助监管机构调查和记录当地矿业公司的能源使用情况。矿工需要提供与能源使用相关的信息。调查细节将有助于 EIA 了解能源消耗情况。


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