首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币诉讼:埃隆·马斯克因骚扰指控而受到抨击

Dogecoin lawsuit: Elon Musk under fire over harassment accusations


发布: 2023/07/19 22:09 阅读: 679

原文作者:Cointribune EN


The legal battle between Tesla CEO Elon Musk and a group of Dogecoin investors intensifies with accusations of harassment and questionable tactics. Evan Spencer, lead counsel for the class action against Musk, files a brief in a New York federal court, accusing the billionaire’s legal team of conducting an “illegal harassment campaign”. The situation is becoming increasingly tense in this ongoing case.

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克和一群狗狗币投资者之间的法律斗争因骚扰和可疑策略的指控而加剧。针对马斯克集体诉讼的首席律师埃文·斯宾塞(Evan Spencer)向纽约联邦法院提交了一份简报,指控这位亿万富翁的法律团队进行了“非法骚扰活动”。在这起案件中,局势变得越来越紧张。

Elon Musk accused of harassment by Dogecoin investors


Tesla CEO Elon Musk once again finds himself at the heart of a legal battle. This time, a group of Dogecoin investors is accusing him of conducting an “illegal harassment campaign”.


Lead class action attorney Evan Spencer filed a brief this Thursday in a New York federal court, alleging that Musk’s legal team is funding these unfair tactics through a “bottomless war chest”.


Evan Spencer reinforced his demand that Musk’s lawyers be suspended from the case, accusing them of waging a campaign of harassment against him. According to him, the defendants are using their unlimited financial power to support these reprehensible tactics.

埃文·斯宾塞(Evan Spencer)再次要求暂停马斯克的律师参与此案,并指责他们对他发起骚扰活动。据他说,被告正在利用其无限的财力来支持这些应受谴责的策略。

The controversy revolves around a letter written by Elon Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro, which was reported by the New York Post on June 15. In the letter, Spiro demanded the withdrawal of an amended complaint alleging that Musk secretly owned two wallets that sold millions of DOGE to manipulate the crypto’s price. Musk’s lawyers firmly rejected these allegations.

这场争议围绕埃隆·马斯克的律师亚历克斯·斯皮罗(Alex Spiro)写的一封信展开,《纽约邮报》6月15日报道了这封信。在信中,斯皮罗要求撤回一份修改后的起诉书,指控马斯克秘密拥有两个钱包,这些钱包卖出了数百万美元。 DOGE 操纵加密货币的价格。马斯克的律师坚决否认这些指控。

The legal battle intensifies: Musk strikes back!


On July 7, Elon Musk’s legal team responded by calling Evan Spencer’s request an “insult” and denying any disclosure of information to the New York Post. They also argued that even if the accusations were true, they would not violate ethics rules.

7 月 7 日,埃隆·马斯克的法律团队回应称埃文·斯宾塞的请求是“侮辱”,并否认向《纽约邮报》披露任何信息。他们还辩称,即使指控属实,也不会违反道德规则。

In response, Spencer asserted that he had no relationship with the Post reporter and that the leaked letter could only have come from Musk’s team or an agent acting on their behalf. He also pointed to a tweet from Musk touting the creation of a “hardcore litigation department” at Tesla.


“The misconduct of the defense attorneys as described above is certainly consistent with Musk’s cruelty highlighted in these tweets,” Spencer wrote.


Spencer suggests that further attacks against him are in the pipeline, with smear threats aimed at tarnishing his public reputation.


“Having successfully published false statements about me in the media once before, defense attorneys threatened and are threatening to place this denigration of me on public record again,” the filing reads.


However, he provided no concrete evidence to back up these allegations, relying mainly on the Post article. Musk’s team has yet to respond to this latest accusation.


The legal battle between Elon Musk and Dogecoin investors continues to escalate. The court will have to rule on these contentious matters and determine whether the accusations against Musk are well-founded. In the meantime, this case is attracting the attention of the crypto community, who are closely following developments in this legal saga.



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