首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克表示 SpaceX 将在明年之前解决星际飞船的太空加油问题:“这是让生命进入多行星的必要条件”

Elon Musk Says SpaceX To Solve In-Space Refueling For Starship By Next Year: 'Necessary To Make Life Multiplanetary'

埃隆·马斯克表示 SpaceX 将在明年之前解决星际飞船的太空加油问题:“这是让生命进入多行星的必要条件”

发布: 2024/04/28 10:02 阅读: 938

原文作者:Anan Ashraf,Benzinga


埃隆·马斯克表示 SpaceX 将在明年之前解决星际飞船的太空加油问题:“这是让生命进入多行星的必要条件”

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Friday said that the company is working on solving the refueling of its two-stage launch vehicle Starship in space by the end of next year and advancing technologies that would eventually allow for people on Mars.

SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 周五表示,该公司正在致力于在明年年底前解决其两级运载火箭 Starship 在太空中的加油问题,并推进最终允许人类登陆火星的技术。

What Happened: “Full & rapid reusability of booster & ship and orbital refilling of ship are the 2 fundamental technologies we aim to solve by the end of next year,” Musk wrote on X, formerly Twitter while adding that these technologies are essential to enabling life on another planet besides Earth.

发生了什么:“助推器和船舶的完全快速可重复使用以及船舶的轨道再填充是我们计划在明年年底之前解决的两项基本技术,”马斯克在 X(前 Twitter)上写道,同时补充说这些技术对于实现这一目标至关重要除了地球之外的另一个星球上有生命。

Musk has often talked about making life multi-planetary by building a self-sustaining city on Mars and taking humans there via Starship. The reusability of the vehicle is key to bringing down the costs of this dream.


Orbital refilling, meanwhile, is a process aimed at refueling the ship in space with tanker versions of the starship from Earth. While the process is not easy, it is still a better alternative to docking with the Space Station, Musk said.


“It's just docking with ourselves,” Musk wrote. “Not trivial, but certainly easier than docking with the Space Station, which is far more complex.”

“这只是与我们自己对接,”马斯克写道。 “这并不简单,但肯定比与空间站对接要容易得多,后者要复杂得多。”

The Starship is composed of two stages- the super heavy booster and the Starship spacecraft. A booster catch attempt is highly likely this year, Musk said in another post. Earlier this month, in a talk at Starbase, Musk said that the company will attempt to land the booster on a virtual tower during the upcoming flight test. Once that is achieved, the company will attempt to land it on a physical launch tower in a subsequent flight. The CEO pegged the chances of catching the booster with the mechanical arms on the launch tower at 80-90% this year.

星舰由两级组成——超重型助推器和星舰飞船。马斯克在另一篇文章中表示,今年极有可能进行助推器捕获尝试。本月早些时候,马斯克在 Starbase 的一次演讲中表示,该公司将在即将进行的飞行测试中尝试将助推器降落在虚拟塔上。一旦实现这一目标,该公司将尝试在后续飞行中将其降落在实体发射塔上。这位首席执行官预计,今年用发射塔上的机械臂抓住助推器的机会为 80-90%。

As for the starship spacecraft, the company does not intend to bring it back to the launch site until it can land a specific design twice at a particular point in the ocean, Musk said.


Why It Matters: Starship is touted as the world's most powerful launch vehicle with its 121-meter tall frame weighing approximately 5000 tonnes.

重要性:Starship 被誉为世界上最强大的运载火箭,其框架高 121 米,重约 5000 吨。

During Starship’s latest and third flight test on March 14, the spacecraft lost contact and broke down while re-entering the planet's atmosphere instead of splashing down as planned in the Indian Ocean. The entirety of the last flight lasted about an hour.

在 3 月 14 日 Starship 进行的最新一次也是第三次飞行测试中,飞船在重新进入行星大气层时失去了联系并发生故障,而不是按计划在印度洋溅落。最后一次飞行整个过程持续了大约一个小时。

SpaceX launched the Starship twice last year — the first time in April and then in November. The next test flight of Starship is expected in May and the company aims to have the ship re-enter Earth’s atmosphere with all its systems functioning despite the extreme heat.

SpaceX 去年两次发射了 Starship——第一次是在 4 月,第二次是在 11 月。星际飞船的下一次试飞预计在五月进行,该公司的目标是让飞船重新进入地球大气层,并且在极端炎热的情况下其所有系统都能正常运行。

NASA is currently relying on the success of Starship to land humans back on the moon. The agency expects to land two astronauts on the Moon no earlier than September 2026 in the Artemis III mission with a lunar lander variant of the Starship.

美国宇航局目前正在依靠星际飞船的成功将人类送回月球。该机构预计将在 2026 年 9 月之前利用星际飞船的月球着陆器变体在阿耳忒弥斯 III 任务中将两名宇航员送上月球。

The last crewed lunar mission occurred in 1972 with Apollo 17. Since then, no crew has traveled beyond low-Earth orbit.

上一次载人登月任务发生在 1972 年的阿波罗 17 号任务中。从那时起,就没有宇航员离开近地轨道。


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