首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 赢得驳回价值 2580 亿美元的狗狗币操纵诉讼

Elon Musk Wins Dismissal of $258 Billion Dogecoin Manipulation Lawsuit

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 赢得驳回价值 2580 亿美元的狗狗币操纵诉讼

发布: 2024/09/01 22:40 阅读: 579



埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 赢得驳回价值 2580 亿美元的狗狗币操纵诉讼

Elon Musk Triumphs in Dismissal of $258 Billion Dogecoin Lawsuit

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 成功驳回价值 2580 亿美元的狗狗币诉讼

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has successfully dismissed a high-profile lawsuit accusing him and the company of manipulating the price of Dogecoin (DOGE), the popular meme-based cryptocurrency.


On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein ruled in favor of Musk and Tesla, dismissing the claims filed by a group of disgruntled investors.

周四,美国地区法官阿尔文·海勒斯坦 (Alvin Hellerstein) 做出了有利于马斯克和特斯拉的裁决,驳回了一群心怀不满的投资者提出的索赔。

Tweets Deemed "Puffery" and Non-Actionable


The lawsuit, filed in June 2022, alleged that Musk and Tesla inflated the price of DOGE through social media and public statements, subsequently crashing its value and causing significant financial losses for investors.

该诉讼于 2022 年 6 月提起,指控马斯克和特斯拉通过社交媒体和公开声明抬高 DOGE 的价格,随后导致其价值暴跌,给投资者造成重大财务损失。

Judge Hellerstein dismissed the accusations, ruling that Musk's statements were "aspirational" and constituted "puffery" rather than actionable claims. He determined that the statements were not "factual and susceptible to being falsified" and that "no reasonable investor could rely upon them" for investment decisions.


The complainants had cited several tweets from Musk, including his declaration of becoming "the official CEO of Dogecoin" and his claim of potentially sending a "literal Dogecoin" to the moon on a SpaceX rocket.

投诉人引用了马斯克的几条推文,包括他宣布成为“狗狗币的官方首席执行官”,以及他声称有可能通过 SpaceX 火箭将“真正的狗狗币”发送到月球。

Lack of Evidence for Pump and Dump Scheme


The investors also accused Musk and Tesla of participating in a "pump and dump" scheme with Dogecoin. However, the judge found that they failed to provide a clear and plausible explanation of how this occurred.


"It is not possible to understand the allegations that form the basis of plaintiffs' conclusion of market manipulation," Hellerstein stated in his decision.


Musk's legal team had previously sought the dismissal of the case, arguing that the investors had not demonstrated Musk's intent to defraud or concealment of risks. They maintained that his tweets, including statements like "Dogecoin Rulz" and "no highs, no lows, only Doge," were too vague to support fraud claims.

马斯克的法律团队此前曾寻求驳回此案,认为投资者没有证明马斯克有欺诈或隐瞒风险的意图。他们坚称,他的推文,包括“Dogecoin Rulz”和“没有高点,没有低点,只有 Doge”之类的声明过于模糊,无法支持欺诈指控。

The attorneys asserted that the court should reject the plaintiffs' "fantasy" and dismiss the complaint.



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