首页 > 资讯新闻 > 60 分钟内飞往任何城市的航班?马斯克仍然认为这是可能的

Flights to any city in less than 60 minutes? Musk still thinks it’s possible

60 分钟内飞往任何城市的航班?马斯克仍然认为这是可能的

发布: 2024/01/16 16:58 阅读: 914

原文作者: Trevor Mogg


60 分钟内飞往任何城市的航班?马斯克仍然认为这是可能的

SpaceX chief Elon Musk has repeated his desire to use the world’s most powerful rocket for lightning-fast international passenger flights between major cities.

SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 重申了他希望使用世界上最强大的火箭在主要城市之间进行闪电般的国际客运航班的愿望。

Speaking recently at a special event at SpaceX’s Boca Chica launch facility in Texas, Musk said there was a “pretty good chance” that the Starship — comprising the first-stage Super Heavy rocket and second stage Starship spacecraft — would one day offer “Earth-to-Earth transport” as well.

最近,马斯克在德克萨斯州 SpaceX 博卡奇卡发射设施举行的一次特别活动上发表讲话时表示,由第一级超重型火箭和第二级星舰飞船组成的星舰很有可能有一天会提供“地球-到地球的运输”。

Explaining the technology required, he added in his own inimitable way that “the fastest way to get from here to the other side of Earth is an intercontinental ballistic missile, but just make sure you delete the nuke and add the landing part.”



It’s not the first time the SpaceX CEO has spoken of his dream of using the Starship vehicle for a new kind of passenger service. An early mention of the plan came seven years ago when Musk said that the “cost per seat should be about the same as full fare economy in an aircraft.”

这并不是这位 SpaceX 首席执行官第一次谈到他利用 Starship 飞船提供新型客运服务的梦想。七年前,马斯克就很早就提到了该计划,当时他表示“每个座位的成本应该与飞机的全票价经济舱大致相同”。

SpaceX even released a video (below) showing the envisaged passenger experience and explaining how people would be able to “fly to most places on Earth in under 30 minutes and anywhere in under 60.” Proposed routes included New York to Shanghai in 39 minutes, London to Dubai or New York in 29 minutes, and Los Angeles to Toronto in 24 minutes.

SpaceX 甚至发布了一段视频(如下),展示了设想的乘客体验,并解释了人们如何能够“在 30 分钟内飞到地球上的大多数地方,并在 60 分钟内飞到任何地方”。拟议的航线包括纽约到上海 39 分钟、伦敦到迪拜或纽约 29 分钟、洛杉矶到多伦多 24 分钟。

Of course, a passenger service using the Starship — it if ever happens — will be many years away. After all, SpaceX is still working on achieving a successful test flight with the rocket after two failed attempts to reach orbit last year. A third test flight could take place next month.

当然,使用星舰提供客运服务——如果真的发生的话——还需要很多年的时间。毕竟,在去年两次尝试进入轨道失败后,SpaceX 仍在努力实现火箭的成功试飞。第三次试飞可能会在下个月进行。

Ahead of passenger flights, SpaceX plans to use the Starship for transporting crew and cargo to the moon as NASA seeks to establish a permanent human presence there, and also for the first crewed flights to Mars.

在客运飞行之前,SpaceX 计划使用 Starship 将船员和货物运送到月球,因为 NASA 寻求在月球上建立永久的人类存在,并且还计划使用 Starship 进行首次载人飞往火星的飞行。

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