首页 > 资讯新闻 > 具有历史意义的 SpaceX Falcon 9 助推器倾倒并失踪在海上

Historic SpaceX Falcon 9 booster topples over and is lost at sea

具有历史意义的 SpaceX Falcon 9 助推器倾倒并失踪在海上

发布: 2023/12/27 10:02 阅读: 992

原文作者:Will Robinson-Smith


The remains of Falcon 9 booster 1058 arrive at Port Canaveral after the vehicle toppled over and broke apart in bad weather. Image: Steven Young/Spaceflight Now.

猎鹰 9 号助推器 1058 的残骸在恶劣天气下翻倒并解体后抵达卡纳维拉尔港。图片:史蒂文·杨/Spaceflight Now。

A piece of America’s space history is now on the ocean’s floor. During its return voyage to Port Canaveral in Central Florida, a SpaceX Falcon 9 first stage booster toppled over and broke in half.

美国太空历史的一部分现在就在海底。在返回佛罗里达州中部卡纳维拉尔港的途中,SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号第一级助推器翻倒并断成两半。

This particular booster, tail number B1058, was coming back from its record-breaking 19th mission when it had its fatal fall. The rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Dec. 23 carrying 23 Starlink satellites. The booster made a successful landing eight and a half minutes after launch on the drone ship ‘Just Read the Instructions’ which was stationed east of the Bahamas. SpaceX said in a statement on social media that it succumbed to “high winds and waves.”

这架尾号为 B1058 的特殊助推器在完成破纪录的第 19 次任务返回时发生了致命的坠落。 12 月 23 日,运载 23 颗星链卫星的火箭从卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站升空。助推器在发射后八分半钟成功降落在驻扎在巴哈马群岛东部的无人机船上“Just Read the instructions”。 SpaceX 在社交媒体上发表声明称,它死于“狂风巨浪”。

The company stated that “Newer Falcon boosters have upgraded landing legs with the capability to self-level and mitigate this type of issue.


In a separate post, Kiko Deontchev, the Vice President of Launch for SpaceX, elaborated by added that while they “mostly outfitted” the rest of the operational Falcon booster fleet, B1058 was left as it was, “given its age.” The rocket “met its fate when it hit intense wind and waves resulting in failure of a partially secured [octo-grabber] less than 100 miles from home.”

SpaceX 发射副总裁 Kiko Deontchev 在另一篇文章中补充道,虽然他们“大部分装备”了正在运行的猎鹰助推器舰队的其余部分,但 B1058 仍保持原样,“考虑到它的年龄”。这枚火箭“遭遇了强烈的风浪,导致离家不到 100 英里的部分固定的[章鱼捕获器]发生故障,从而遭遇了命运。”

SpaceX crews examine the wreckage of booster 1058 after the drone ship arrived at the dock at Port Canaveral. Image: Steven Young/Spaceflight Now.

无人驾驶船抵达卡纳维拉尔港码头后,SpaceX 工作人员检查助推器 1058 的残骸。图片:史蒂文·杨/Spaceflight Now。

“We came up with self-leveling legs that immediately equalize leg loads on landing after experiencing a severe tippy booster two years ago on Christmas,” Deontchev wrote, referring to the first flight of the B1069 booster.

“在两年前的圣诞节经历了严重倾斜的助推器后,我们想出了自调平腿,可以在着陆时立即平衡腿部负载,”Deontchev 写道,指的是 B1069 助推器的首次飞行。

“One thing is for sure, we will make lemonade out of lemons and learn as much as possible from historic 1058 on our path to aircraft-like operations,” he added.

“有一点是肯定的,我们将用柠檬做柠檬水,并在我们走向类似飞机的运营之路上尽可能多地向历史悠久的 1058 学习,”他补充道。

An American tail(number)

Beyond its status as the flight leader in SpaceX’s Falcon fleet with 19 completed missions, B1058 also held the distinction of launching astronauts from American soil for the first time since the end of the Space Shuttle program in 2011.

美国尾翼(编号)除了在 SpaceX 猎鹰机队中完成了 19 次飞行任务之外,B1058 还获得了自 2011 年航天飞机计划结束以来首次从美国本土发射宇航员的殊荣。

Former NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley were the first to climb aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft to fly to the International Space Station on May 30, 2020. That historic mission, dubbed Demo-2, began the illustrious mission career of B1058 that spanned more than three years.

2020 年 5 月 30 日,前 NASA 宇航员鲍勃·本肯 (Bob Behnken) 和道格·赫尔利 (Doug Hurley) 成为第一批登上 SpaceX 载人龙飞船飞往国际空间站的人。这项被称为 Demo-2 的历史性任务开始了 B1058 的辉煌任务生涯,该任务跨越了三年多了。

To mark its landmark flight, the booster was emblazoned with both the official NASA logos, nicknamed the “meatball” and the “worm.” This became the first crewed flight in NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, which began a new chapter of the agency purchasing commercial services to shepherd astronauts to and from the orbiting outpost.

为了纪念这次具有里程碑意义的飞行,助推器上印有 NASA 的官方标志,绰号为“肉丸”和“蠕虫”。这是美国宇航局商业载人计划的首次载人飞行,该计划开启了该机构购买商业服务以引导宇航员往返轨道前哨站的新篇章。

When the booster was being prepared for the Demo-2 mission, NASA and SpaceX determined the loss-of-crew (LOC) probability to be 1-in-276, beating the program-required threshold of 1-in-270.

当助推器为 Demo-2 任务做准备时,NASA 和 SpaceX 确定机组人员损失 (LOC) 概率为 276 分之一,超过了项目要求的 270 分之一的阈值。

Crew Dragon Endeavor docked with the ISS 19 hours after launching from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

载人龙奋进号从佛罗里达州 NASA 肯尼迪航天中心发射升空 19 小时后与国际空间站对接。

While the Demo-2 flight was the only crewed mission using B1058, the booster did support one additional mission to the Space Station when it launched a Cargo Dragon spacecraft, designated C208, on SpaceX’s 21st Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-21) mission on Dec. 6, 2020.

虽然 Demo-2 飞行是唯一使用 B1058 的载人任务,但该助推器确实支持了另一项前往空间站的任务,当时它在 SpaceX 的第 21 次商业补给服务 (CRS-21) 任务中发射了一艘货运龙飞船,编号为 C208 . 2020 年 6 月。

The other 17 flights of this booster included the first and third of SpaceX’s Transporter missions, carrying an array of CubeSats and NanoSats to orbit, as well as 14 missions to send up satellites for SpaceX’s Starlink internet constellation.

该助推器的其他 17 次飞行包括 SpaceX 的第一次和第三次运输任务,将一系列立方体卫星和纳米卫星送入轨道,以及为 SpaceX 的星链互联网星座发射卫星的 14 次任务。

Gone, but not forgotten

On Tuesday, Dec. 26, the remaining portion of B1058 was brought into Port Canaveral onboard ‘Just Read the Instructions.’ A collection of photographers, reporters and on-lookers gathered along the entryway to the port to catch a glimpse of what was left of the booster.

消失了,但没有被遗忘 12 月 26 日星期二,B1058 的剩余部分被“只需阅读说明”号船带入卡纳维拉尔港。一群摄影师、记者和旁观者聚集在港口入口处,一睹风采。助推器剩下的部分。

Most of the engine section of the rocket appeared to be in tact, judging from photos and three of the four landing legs jutted into the air, propped open as they were following the booster’s landing.


The crumpled base of booster 1068, spewing cables and pipes, enters Port Canaveral on Dec. 26, 2023. Image: Steven Young/Spaceflight Now.

2023 年 12 月 26 日,1068 号助推器的皱巴巴的底座喷出电缆和管道,进入卡纳维拉尔港。图片来源:Steven Young/Spaceflight Now。

Looking from the top of the booster remnants, wires were drawn out and strewn over the edge of the droneship, dragging in the water as the vessel made it back to its dock.


While B1058 will never fly again, SpaceX fully intends to preserve what’s left and understand what they can.

虽然 B1058 永远不会再次飞行,但 SpaceX 完全打算保留剩下的东西并了解他们可以做什么。

“We are planning to salvage the engines and do life leader inspections on the remaining hardware,” said Jon Edwards, the Vice President of Launch Vehicles and Falcon 9 Product Director at SpaceX. “There is still quite a bit of value in this booster. We will not let it go to waste.”

SpaceX 运载火箭副总裁兼猎鹰 9 号产品总监乔恩·爱德华兹 (Jon Edwards) 表示:“我们计划抢救发动机,并对剩余硬件进行寿命检查。” “这个助推器还是有相当大的价值的。我们不会让它白白浪费。”


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