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Indonesia Considers Banning Telegram Amid Multiple Allegations

因多项指控,印度尼西亚考虑禁止 Telegram

发布: 2024/08/29 22:05 阅读: 528



因多项指控,印度尼西亚考虑禁止 Telegram

Potential Ban of Telegram in Indonesia and India

印度尼西亚和印度可能禁止 Telegram

Indonesia is contemplating banning Telegram due to allegations of disseminating harmful content, including pornography and online gambling. Indonesia has the third-largest Telegram user base globally, as per Demandsage data.

由于 Telegram 被指控传播色情和在线赌博等有害内容,印度尼西亚正在考虑禁止 Telegram。根据 Demandsage 的数据,印度尼西亚拥有全球第三大 Telegram 用户群。

Indonesia's Minister of Communication and Informatics, Budi Arie Setiadi, stated that Telegram initially promised to enhance content moderation but failed to implement effective regulations and provide timely responses. The minister remarked, "I would prefer to shut down Bigo Live and Telegram immediately, but further investigations are necessary."

印度尼西亚通信和信息学部长布迪·阿里·塞蒂亚迪表示,Telegram 最初承诺加强内容审核,但未能实施有效的监管并提供及时的回应。这位部长表示:“我希望立即关闭 Bigo Live 和 Telegram,但还需要进一步调查。”

Telegram faces a potential ban in Indonesia following accusations of promoting disturbing pornography and online gambling, as reported by Jakarta Globe. Indonesia's IT Minister, Rudiantara, indicated that social media activity is being restricted to mitigate the spread of misinformation and hoaxes during election protests.

据《雅加达环球报》报道,Telegram 因被指控宣扬令人不安的色情内容和在线赌博而在印度尼西亚面临可能的禁令。印度尼西亚信息技术部长鲁迪安塔拉表示,社交媒体活动受到限制,以减少选举抗议期间错误信息和恶作剧的传播。

Allegations against Telegram include supporting terrorism-related activities, hate speech, radicalism, pornography, and gambling. Other countries that have previously blocked Telegram include Bahrain (2016), Russia, Iran, and Pakistan. Russia and Iran imposed bans in 2018, although Russia lifted its ban in 2020.

针对 Telegram 的指控包括支持恐怖主义相关活动、仇恨言论、激进主义、色情和赌博。此前封锁 Telegram 的其他国家包括巴林(2016 年)、俄罗斯、伊朗和巴基斯坦。俄罗斯和伊朗于 2018 年实施了禁令,但俄罗斯于 2020 年取消了禁令。

Investigation of Telegram in India

印度 Telegram 调查

Following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France over content moderation concerns, the Government of India has initiated an investigation into the app. The Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is conducting the investigation.

Telegram 首席执行官帕维尔·杜罗夫 (Pavel Durov) 因内容审核问题在法国被捕后,印度政府对该应用程序发起了调查。内政部(MHA)下属的印度网络犯罪协调中心正在进行调查。

Digital rights activists have raised concerns regarding censorship, arguing that a ban on Telegram would stifle free speech, hinder small businesses, and infringe on user rights. India has a substantial Telegram user base, with an estimated 104 million users. A ban could significantly impact the app's largest user base.

数字权利活动人士对审查制度提出了担忧,认为禁止 Telegram 将扼杀言论自由、阻碍小企业并侵犯用户权利。印度拥有庞大的 Telegram 用户群,估计有 1.04 亿用户。禁令可能会严重影响该应用程序最大的用户群。


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