首页 > 资讯新闻 > 12 月 29 日最新市场概览:BTC、ETH、BNB、SOL、XRP、ADA、AVAX、DOGE、DOT、MATIC

Latest Market Overview 29th Dec: BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, ADA, AVAX, DOGE, DOT, MATIC


发布: 2023/12/30 06:22 阅读: 827



The Bitcoin price remains within a defined trading range, whereas specific alternative cryptocurrencies recently experienced significant increases and are now witnessing investors booking profits.


Bitcoin has managed to maintain its gains for the year so far; however, it is facing a formidable challenge in surpassing its peak from 17 months ago, which stood at $44,700 and was reached earlier this month. This situation suggests that market participants are exercising caution and refraining from aggressive buying ahead of the decision regarding spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) applications expected in January.

到目前为止,比特币已成功维持今年的涨幅;然而,要超越 17 个月前的峰值(本月早些时候达到的 44,700 美元),它面临着巨大的挑战。这种情况表明,在 1 月份关于现货比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 申请的决定之前,市场参与者正在保持谨慎态度,避免大举买入。

The outcome of these ETF approvals remains uncertain, and predicting how traders will react is complex. If one or more spot Bitcoin ETFs receive approval, the market’s response is uncertain; it could lead to a “sell the news” scenario if there isn’t strong demand for the ETFs after approval. Conversely, a substantial influx of funds into the ETFs during the initial days could significantly increase Bitcoin’s price.

这些 ETF 的批准结果仍然不确定,预测交易者将如何反应也很复杂。如果一只或多只现货比特币 ETF 获得批准,市场的反应是不确定的;如果批准后对 ETF 的需求不强烈,可能会导致“卖出消息”的情况。相反,在最初几天大量资金涌入 ETF 可能会显着提高比特币的价格。

The uncertainty about Bitcoin’s short-term price action has boosted buying interest in altcoins. That is one of the reasons for the drop in Bitcoin’s dominance from about 55% to 51% in the past few days.

比特币短期价格走势的不确定性提高了对山寨币的购买兴趣。这是过去几天比特币的主导地位从 55% 左右下降到 51% 的原因之一。

Will Bitcoin resume its uptrend or succumb to profit booking? Could altcoins continue their outperformance? Let’s analyse the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to find out.

比特币会恢复上涨趋势还是屈服于利润预订?山寨币能否继续保持优异表现?让我们分析一下前 10 名加密货币的图表来找出答案。

Bitcoin (BTC) price analysis


Bitcoin fell below the 20-day exponential moving average ($42,597) on Dec. 29 but continues to trade inside the ascending triangle pattern.

12 月 29 日,比特币跌破 20 天指数移动平均线(42,597 美元),但继续在上升三角形模式内交易。

The relative strength index (RSI) has dropped near the midpoint, indicating that the bullish momentum is weakening. Buyers must push the price above $44,700 to complete the triangle and regain control. The BTC/USDT pair could rise to the pattern target of $49,178.

相对强弱指数(RSI)已跌至中点附近,表明看涨势头正在减弱。买家必须将价格推高至 44,700 美元以上才能完成三角形并重新获得控制权。 BTC/USDT 货币对可能会升至 49,178 美元的形态目标。

Contrary to this assumption, a break below the triangle will invalidate the bullish setup. That could accelerate selling and sink the pair to the 50-day simple moving average ($40,295). The bulls will try to stop the decline at this level, but if they fail, the next support level will likely be $37,980.

与此假设相反,跌破三角形将使看涨设置无效。这可能会加速抛售并使该货币对跌至 50 日简单移动平均线(40,295 美元)。多头将试图在该水平上阻止跌势,但如果失败,下一个支撑位可能是 37,980 美元。

Ether (ETH) price analysis


Ether closed above the descending triangle pattern on Dec. 27 and tried to start the next leg of the uptrend on Dec. 28.

以太币于 12 月 27 日收盘于下降三角形形态之上,并试图在 12 月 28 日开始下一阶段的上升趋势。

However, the bears were in no mood to give up. They sold at $2,445 and pulled the price back below $2,403. The price dropped to the breakout level from the channel where buyers stepped in. This indicates that the bulls are trying to flip the level into support.

然而,熊们并没有放弃的心情。他们以 2,445 美元的价格出售,并将价格拉回至 2,403 美元以下。价格从买家介入的通道跌至突破水平。这表明多头正试图将该水平转变为支撑位。

If they do that, the ETH/USDT pair will try to resume the uptrend. The target objective on the upside is $3,000.

如果他们这样做,ETH/USDT 货币对将尝试恢复上升趋势。上行目标为 3,000 美元。

Meanwhile, the bears are likely to have other plans. They will try to yank the price below the 20-day EMA ($2,269) and start a decline to the channel’s support line near $2,000.

与此同时,空头可能还有其他计划。他们将尝试将价格拉至 20 日均线(2,269 美元)以下,并开始下跌至通道支撑线 2,000 美元附近。

BNB price analysis


BNB nudged above its pattern target of $333 on Dec. 28 but could not sustain the higher levels. This suggests profit-taking by traders.

BNB 于 12 月 28 日微升至 333 美元的模式目标之上,但无法维持较高水平。这表明交易者获利了结。

Now, the BNB/USDT pair could pull back to the 50% Fibonacci retracement level of $300, which will likely be a strong support. If the price rebounds off $300, the bulls will again try to push the price toward the formidable hurdle of $350.

现在,BNB/USDT 货币对可能会回调至 300 美元的 50% 斐波那契回撤位,这可能是一个强有力的支撑。如果价格从 300 美元反弹,多头将再次试图将价格推向 350 美元的巨大障碍。

On the other hand, if the $300 support cracks, the correction may extend to the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level of $291 and then to the neckline. The bulls are expected to protect the neckline with vigour.

另一方面,如果 300 美元支撑位破裂,调整可能会延伸至 61.8% 斐波那契回撤位 291 美元,然后到达颈线。预计多头将大力保护颈线。

Solana (SOL) price analysis

Solana (SOL) 价格分析

Solana turned up from the 50% Fibonacci retracement level of $96 on Dec. 29, indicating that the sentiment remains positive and traders are buying on dips.

Solana 从 12 月 29 日的 50% 斐波那契回撤位 96 美元回升,表明市场情绪依然乐观,交易者逢低买入。

Both moving averages are sloping up, and the RSI is positive, indicating that bulls have the edge. The SOL/USDT pair could rise to the recent high of $126, where the bulls will likely face strong selling by the bears. If bulls overcome this barrier, the pair may jump to $156.

两条均线均向上倾斜,RSI 为正,表明多头占据优势。 SOL/USDT 货币对可能会升至 126 美元的近期高点,多头可能会面临空头的强劲抛售。如果多头克服这一障碍,该货币对可能会跃升至 156 美元。

The bears will have to sink the price below the 20-day EMA ($92) to signal a potential trend change in the near term. The pair could then tumble to the 50-day SMA ($71).

空头必须将价格压低至 20 日均线(92 美元)下方,以表明近期趋势可能发生变化。随后该货币对可能会跌至 50 日移动平均线(71 美元)。

XRP price analysis

XRP attempted a rally on Dec. 28, but the bulls could not clear the hurdle at the downtrend line.

XRP 价格分析 XRP 于 12 月 28 日尝试反弹,但多头未能清除下降趋势线的障碍。

The price has been trading near the moving averages for the past few days, indicating indecision between the bulls and the bears. The flattish moving averages and the RSI near the midpoint suggest that the XRP/USDT pair may extend its stay inside the $0.56 to $0.67 range for some more time.

过去几天价格一直在移动平均线附近交易,表明多头和空头之间犹豫不决。平坦的移动平均线和接近中点的 RSI 表明 XRP/USDT 货币对可能会在 0.56 美元至 0.67 美元的区间内停留一段时间。

Buyers will have to drive the price above $0.67 to seize control. The pair could then rise to $0.74, which is likely to act as a strong resistance. The short-term trend will turn bearish if the price plummets below $0.56.

买家必须将价格推至 0.67 美元以上才能夺取控制权。该货币对随后可能升至 0.74 美元,这可能会成为强劲阻力。如果价格跌破 0.56 美元,短期趋势将转为看跌。

Cardano (ADA) price analysis


The bulls pushed Cardano above the symmetrical triangle pattern on Dec. 28 but could not sustain the higher levels seen from the long wick on the day’s candlestick.

12 月 28 日,多头将卡尔达诺推升至对称三角形上方,但未能维持当天烛台上长影线所示的较高水平。

A minor advantage in favour of the bulls is that they have not allowed the price to break below the 20-day EMA. This suggests buying at lower levels. If the price rises above the triangle, the bulls will try to overcome the barrier again at $0.68. If they succeed, it will signal the resumption of the uptrend. The ADA/USDT pair may then climb to $0.80.

有利于多头的一个小优势是,他们不允许价格跌破 20 日均线。这表明在较低水平买入。如果价格升至三角形上方,多头将尝试再次突破 0.68 美元的障碍。如果他们成功,这将标志着上升趋势的恢复。 ADA/USDT 货币对可能会攀升至 0.80 美元。

The triangle’s support line remains the crucial level for the bulls to defend because if this support gives way, the pair may move downward to $0.50 and, after that, to $0.46.

三角形的支撑线仍然是多头捍卫的关键水平,因为如果该支撑位失守,该货币对可能会下跌至 0.50 美元,然后跌至 0.46 美元。

Avalanche (AVAX) price analysis

雪崩 (AVAX) 价格分析

Avalanche’s correction has reached strong support at $38, a significant level to watch.

Avalanche 的修正已达到 38 美元的强劲支撑位,这是一个值得关注的重要水平。

The bulls will try to defend the $38 support and start a relief rally. If that happens, the AVAX/USDT pair may stay rangebound between $38 and $50 for a while. The flattish 20-day EMA ($40) and the RSI above 57 also point to a possible consolidation in the near term with an upward bias.

多头将努力捍卫 38 美元的支撑位并开始缓解反弹。如果发生这种情况,AVAX/USDT 货币对可能会在一段时间内保持在 38 美元至 50 美元之间的区间波动。持平的 20 日均线(40 美元)和 RSI 高于 57 也表明近期可能出现盘整,且存在上行倾向。

This view will be invalidated if prices drop and skids below $38. That may attract further selling, sinking the pair to $34 and eventually to $31.

如果价格下跌并跌破 38 美元,此观点将失效。这可能会吸引进一步的抛售,使该货币对跌至 34 美元,最终跌至 31 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) price analysis

Dogecoin has been trading near the 20-day EMA ($0.09) for the past few days, indicating a balance between supply and demand.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格分析 过去几天狗狗币一直在 20 日均线(0.09 美元)附近交易,表明供需平衡。

The flattish 20-day EMA and the RSI near the midpoint do not give a clear advantage either to the buyers or the sellers. In the near term, the price may remain stuck between the 50-day SMA ($0.09) and the $0.10 resistance.

持平的 20 日均线和中点附近的 RSI 并没有给买家或卖家带来明显的优势。短期内,价格可能仍停留在 50 日移动平均线(0.09 美元)和 0.10 美元阻力位之间。

The first sign of strength will be a break above $0.10, and the bullish momentum will likely pick up above $0.11. That opens up the possibility of a rally to $0.16. Contrarily, the bears will gain the upper hand if they sink the DOGE/USDT pair below the 50-day SMA. The pair may then slump to $0.07.

强势的第一个迹象将是突破 0.10 美元,看涨势头可能会升至 0.11 美元上方。这开启了反弹至 0.16 美元的可能性。相反,如果 DOGE/USDT 货币对跌破 50 日移动平均线,空头将占据上风。随后该货币对可能会跌至 0.07 美元。

Polkadot (DOT) price analysis

Polkadot’s pullback is nearing the breakout of $7.90, a crucial level to watch out for in the near term.

Polkadot (DOT) 价格分析 Polkadot 的回调已接近突破 7.90 美元,这是近期值得关注的关键水平。

Although the upsloping moving averages indicate an advantage to buyers, the negative divergence on the RSI suggests that the bullish momentum could be slowing down. The breakout level of $7.90 will likely witness a tough battle between the bulls and the bears.

尽管向上倾斜的移动平均线表明买家有优势,但 RSI 的负背离表明看涨势头可能正在放缓。突破 7.90 美元水平可能会见证多头和空头之间的一场硬仗。

If the price rebounds off $7.90, the DOT/USDT pair will attempt a rally to $10, where the bears are expected to offer a stiff resistance. Alternatively, if the price slides below the 20-day EMA ($7.78), the correction could deepen to the 50-day SMA ($6.41).

如果价格从 7.90 美元反弹,DOT/USDT 货币对将尝试反弹至 10 美元,预计空头将在该位置提供强劲阻力。或者,如果价格跌破 20 日均线(7.78 美元),调整可能会深化至 50 日均线(6.41 美元)。

Polygon (MATIC) price analysis

Polygon turned down from $1.09 on Dec. 27 and dipped below the breakout level of $1 on Dec. 29, indicating profit booking by the bulls.

Polygon (MATIC) 价格分析 Polygon 从 12 月 27 日的 1.09 美元下跌,并于 12 月 29 日跌破 1 美元的突破水平,表明多头获利了结。

However, lower levels attracted strong buying by the bulls. Suppose the price is maintained above $1; the likelihood of a retest of $1.09 increases. The rising 20-day EMA ($0.89) and the RSI in the positive zone suggest that bulls are in command. If the $1.09 resistance is removed, the MATIC/USDT pair may rally to $1.20 and later to $1.50.

然而,较低的水平吸引了多头的强劲买盘。假设价格维持在 1 美元以上;重新测试 1.09 美元的可能性增加。不断上涨的 20 日均线(0.89 美元)和 RSI 处于正值区域表明多头处于主导地位。如果 1.09 美元的阻力被移除,MATIC/USDT 货币对可能会反弹至 1.20 美元,随后升至 1.50 美元。

Instead, if the price slips and maintains below $1, the pair could drop to the 20-day EMA. The bears must sink the price below this support to signal a rangebound action between $0.70 and $1.

相反,如果价格下滑并维持在 1 美元以下,该货币对可能会跌至 20 日均线。空头必须将价格压低至该支撑位下方,以发出 0.70 美元至 1 美元之间的区间波动信号。

Source – Rakesh Upadhyay

来源——Rakesh Upadhyay

Source: https://thebittimes.com/latest-market-overview-29th-dec-btc-eth-bnb-sol-xrp-ada-avax-doge-dot-matic-tbt75127.html



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