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Pepe (PEPE) Approaching $500 Million Market Cap

Pepe (PEPE) 市值逼近 5 亿美元

发布: 2023/10/31 04:15 阅读: 486



Pepe, a popular memecoin, is once again on the cusp of a $500 million market cap after a recent resurgence. 

Pepe 是一种流行的模因币,在最近复苏后,其市值再次达到 5 亿美元。

The whimsical meme coin is currently changing hands at $0.00000117, according to data provided by CoinGecko. 

根据 CoinGecko 提供的数据,这款异想天开的 meme 硬币目前易手价格为 0.00000117 美元。

Pepe's comeback amid Bitcoin's rally


The price of PEPE has seen a remarkable revival, doubling its market capitalization in just a week to approach the half-billion-dollar mark. 

PEPE 的价格出现了显着的复苏,其市值在短短一周内翻了一番,接近 5 亿美元大关。

This resurgence comes as the frog-themed memecoin previously touched a peak market cap of $1.6 billion in May. 

这种复苏之际,这种以青蛙为主题的 memecoin 曾在 5 月份触及 16 亿美元的市值峰值。

However, the fervor dwindled, and it nosedived to a $244 million cap earlier this month. 

然而,人们的热情逐渐减弱,并在本月初跌至 2.44 亿美元的上限。

The driving force behind Pepe's recent revival appears to be a combination of heightened trading volume and on-chain activity. 

Pepe 最近复苏的推动力似乎是交易量增加和链上活动的结合。

Key indicators highlight a revived interest in the coin, with an increasing number of wallets holding Pepe. A recent token burn event has strengthened its position and alleviated concerns about a potential rogue developer selling tokens in the market.

关键指标凸显了人们对这种代币的兴趣重新燃起,持有 Pepe 的钱包数量不断增加。最近的一次代币销毁事件巩固了其地位,并减轻了对潜在流氓开发商在市场上出售代币的担忧。

Other memecoins in spotlight


While Pepe's rally is noteworthy, it's not alone in its ascent. Memecoins, in general, have been riding the coattails of Bitcoin's recent surge past the $35,000 mark – its highest in over a year. 

虽然佩佩的反弹值得注意,但它并不是唯一一个上涨的人。总体而言,Memecoin 一直受益于比特币最近飙升至 35,000 美元大关——这是一年多以来的最高水平。

Dogecoin (DOGE), for instance, saw a 7.8% increase over the past week, with its market cap nearing a staggering $9.75 billion. Shiba Inu (SHIB) experienced a 10% spike over the same period, boasting a market cap close to $4.68 billion. 

例如,狗狗币(DOGE)在过去一周上涨了 7.8%,其市值接近惊人的 97.5 亿美元。柴犬 (SHIB) 同期上涨 10%,市值接近 46.8 亿美元。

Meanwhile, other meme coins like Floki (FLOKI) and Baby Doge Coin (BABYDOGE) have also exhibited impressive growth, with the former rising by 37.4% over the past week.

与此同时,其他模因币,如 Floki (FLOKI) 和 Baby Doge Coin (BABYDOGE) 也表现出令人印象深刻的增长,前者在过去一周上涨了 37.4%。

 It's essential to approach these meme coins with caution, as their inherent volatility means that while they can rally on positive news, any negative developments can just as quickly send their prices plummeting.



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