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Polkadot Face Backlash Over Highly Toxic Ecosystem For Asian Projects

Polkadot 因亚洲项目的高毒性生态系统而遭到强烈反对

发布: 2024/07/02 21:04 阅读: 820



Polkadot 因亚洲项目的高毒性生态系统而遭到强烈反对

Controversy Surrounding Polkadot's Treatment of Asian-Led Projects

围绕 Polkadot 对待亚洲主导项目的争议

The Polkadot blockchain ecosystem has become embroiled in a debate regarding its treatment of Asian-led projects. Accusations of unfair practices and a hostile environment have surfaced, prompting discussions about inclusivity in the blockchain space.

Polkadot 区块链生态系统已经卷入了关于其如何对待亚洲主导项目的争论。对不公平做法和敌对环境的指控已经浮出水面,引发了关于区块链领域包容性的讨论。

Allegations and Experiences


Victor Ji, co-founder of Manta Network, has voiced concerns about the Polkadot ecosystem, describing it as "highly toxic" for Asian projects. Ji claims that after initial support from the Web3 Foundation, he experienced a decline in support after securing funding. He cites complex politics, exclusive groups, and grant acquisition difficulties as challenges.

Manta Network 联合创始人 Victor Ji 表达了对 Polkadot 生态系统的担忧,称其对亚洲项目具有“剧毒”。 Ji 声称,在获得 Web3 基金会最初的支持后,他在获得资金后经历了支持的下降。他将复杂的政治、排他性群体和拨款获取困难视为挑战。

These allegations were echoed by Harold Yu, founder of DIN, who highlighted the complexities and burdens of the grant application process. Both Ji and Yu noted a contrast in experiences compared to European and US-based projects, which they perceive to have greater ease in securing substantial grants.

DIN 创始人 Harold Yu 也赞同这些指控,他强调了拨款申请过程的复杂性和负担。 Ji 和 Yu 都指出了与欧洲和美国项目相比的经验对比,他们认为这些项目更容易获得大量资助。

Financial Context and Community Response


Polkadot's recent financial report for the first half of the year has added to the controversy. The report revealed significant expenditures of 11 million DOTs, with $37 million allocated solely to marketing. This high spending has drawn criticism from the community, who question the effectiveness of these investments.

波卡近期公布的上半年财报更是雪上加霜。该报告披露了 1100 万 DOT 的巨额支出,其中 3700 万美元专门用于营销。如此高的支出引起了社会的批评,他们质疑这些投资的有效性。

The current expenditure rate suggests that Polkadot's funds may be depleted within two years, raising concerns about the sustainability of the ecosystem's financial strategy. This has fueled the debate about resource allocation and support for diverse projects within Polkadot.

目前的支出率表明,Polkadot 的资金可能会在两年内耗尽,引发人们对生态系统财务策略可持续性的担忧。这引发了有关 Polkadot 内部资源分配和对不同项目支持的争论。

Implications for Diversity and Inclusivity


The allegations and experiences raised by Asian project leaders have brought to the forefront important questions about diversity and equal opportunities in the rapidly evolving blockchain space. Concerns have been raised regarding whether the Polkadot ecosystem's support structure and grant allocation processes lack inclusivity and fairness.

亚洲项目领导人提出的指控和经验将快速发展的区块链领域中关于多样性和平等机会的重要问题带到了最前沿。人们担心 Polkadot 生态系统的支持结构和拨款分配流程是否缺乏包容性和公平性。

These issues highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability in the allocation of resources and support for projects within the Polkadot ecosystem. It is vital to create an environment that fosters inclusivity and provides equal opportunities for projects from diverse backgrounds to succeed.

这些问题凸显了在 Polkadot 生态系统内的资源分配和项目支持方面需要提高透明度和问责制。创造一个促进包容性并为来自不同背景的项目提供平等机会的环境至关重要。


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