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SpaceX continues its march to 100 launches in a year

SpaceX 继续迈向一年内 100 次发射

发布: 2023/12/05 15:17 阅读: 320

原文作者: Richard Angle


SpaceX 继续迈向一年内 100 次发射

Late Saturday night, a Falcon 9 lifted off from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station with another 23 Starlink satellites delivered into orbit.

周六深夜,猎鹰 9 号从卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站 40 号航天发射场升空,另外 23 颗星链卫星也被送入轨道。

Launch occurred at 11:00 pm ET (04:00 UTC), continuing the build-out of the Group 6 Starlink shell with this mission being Group 6-31.

发射于东部时间晚上 11:00(世界标准时间 04:00)进行,继续建造第 6 组星链外壳,本次任务为第 6-31 组。

The 23 V2 mini Starlinks were inserted into a 43-degree orbital inclination, the same as the previous group 6 missions. The satellites separated from the 2nd stage just over an hour after the launch.


This was the 89th orbital mission of the year for SpaceX as they look to stay on track to reach 100 launches in a year, and with a majority of launches coming from SLC-40, the average pad turnaround time between launches has been just under 5 days as SpaceX teams maximize the capabilities to enable a rapid back to back launch cadence.

这是 SpaceX 今年的第 89 次轨道任务,因为他们希望保持在一年内达到 100 次发射的目标,并且大多数发射来自 SLC-40,两次发射之间的平均发射台周转时间略低于 5 次SpaceX 团队最大限度地发挥能力以实现快速的背靠背发射节奏。

Looking ahead at the rest of the month, there are currently five more launches for SpaceX scheduled out for December 14th, including a Falcon Heavy from LC-39A. After December 14th, there could be a chance of at least eight more launches if schedules can hold, however, these are not set in stone, and various delays from weather to technical issues could arise, and a few could slip into the new year.

展望本月剩余时间,SpaceX 目前计划于 12 月 14 日进行五次发射,其中包括 LC-39A 的猎鹰重型火箭。 12 月 14 日之后,如果时间表能够保持,可能还会有至少八次发射,然而,这些都不是一成不变的,可能会出现从天气到技术问题等各种延误,其中一些可能会推迟到新年。

Back to this weekend’s launch, the Falcon 9 tasked with this mission was Booster 1078, which flew for its 6th time. B1078 took a bit longer, with its 6th flight having last flown 78 days prior. The average turnaround time for boosters has been hovering around 45 days with a few exceptions like Falcon Heavy side cores or Falcons assigned to Crew missions.

回到本周末的发射,承担此次任务的猎鹰 9 号火箭是助推器 1078,这是其第六次飞行。 B1078 的飞行时间稍长一些,其第 6 次航班最后一次飞行是在 78 天前。助推器的平均周转时间一直徘徊在 45 天左右,除了猎鹰重型侧核心或分配给载人任务的猎鹰等少数例外。

B1078 made a successful landing on the droneship “A Shortfall of Gravitas” about eight and a half minutes after launch, and as usual, SpaceX will attempt to recover the payload fairings for use on another mission.

B1078 在发射后大约八分半钟成功降落在“A Shortfall of Gravitas”无人机上,像往常一样,SpaceX 将尝试回收有效载荷整流罩以用于另一次任务。

Coming up next for SpaceX are two Starlink launches, one from Florida no earlier than December 6th and one from California no earlier than December 8th, followed by the Falcon Heavy launch currently scheduled for December 10th after a slight delay.

SpaceX 接下来将进行两次星链发射,一次不早于 12 月 6 日从佛罗里达州发射,一次不早于 12 月 8 日从加利福尼亚州发射,随后是猎鹰重型火箭的发射,目前定于 12 月 10 日进行,稍有延迟。


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