首页 > 资讯新闻 > SpaceX 将第二次 Starship 测试发射推迟至 11 月 18 日以更换火箭部件

SpaceX delays second Starship test launch to Nov. 18 to replace rocket part

SpaceX 将第二次 Starship 测试发射推迟至 11 月 18 日以更换火箭部件

发布: 2023/11/17 10:29 阅读: 471

原文作者:Mike Wall


The company needs to replace a grid fin actuator, resulting in a one-day delay.


SpaceX's second Starship test flight is now sscheduled to lift off no earlier than Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023. (Image credit: SpaceX)

SpaceX 的第二次 Starship 试飞现已计划在 2023 年 11 月 18 日星期六之前升空。(图片来源:SpaceX)

We'll have to wait at least one more day to see Starship's second-ever flight.


SpaceX had been targeting Friday morning (Nov. 17) for the second test launch of its huge Starship rocket. But that's no longer the plan.

SpaceX 定于周五上午(11 月 17 日)对其巨型星舰火箭进行第二次试射。但这不再是计划。

"We need to replace a grid fin actuator, so launch is postponed to Saturday," company founder and CEO Elon Musk announced today (Nov. 16) via X (formerly known as Twitter). (Grid fins are the waffle-iron-like structures on Starship's Super Heavy first stage, which help the booster steer its way back to Earth.)

公司创始人兼首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 今天(11 月 16 日)通过 X(以前称为 Twitter)宣布:“我们需要更换网格鳍执行器,因此发布推迟到周六。” (网格鳍是星舰超重型第一级上的华夫饼铁状结构,有助于助推器返回地球。)

Liftoff from SpaceX's Starbase site in South Texas is now scheduled to occur during a 20-minute window that opens Saturday at 8 a.m. EST (1300 GMT; 7 a.m. local Texas time), according to a company mission description. You can watch it live here at Space.com when the time comes. 

根据公司的任务描述,目前计划在美国东部时间周六上午 8 点(格林尼治标准时间 1300;德克萨斯州当地时间上午 7 点)开始的 20 分钟时间内从 SpaceX 位于德克萨斯州南部的 Starbase 基地升空。届时您可以在 Space.com 上观看直播。

Related: How to watch SpaceX's 2nd Starship launch on Nov. 18
Read more: How SpaceX's 2nd Starship rocket test launch will work

相关:如何观看 11 月 18 日 SpaceX 的第二艘星际飞船发射阅读更多:SpaceX 的第二艘星际飞船火箭测试发射将如何进行

Starship is SpaceX's next-generation deep-space transportation system, which the company is developing to take people and cargo to the moon, Mars and beyond.

Starship 是 SpaceX 的下一代深空运输系统,该公司正在开发该系统,旨在将人员和货物运送到月球、火星及其他地方。

The vehicle consists of two elements, both of which are designed to be fully and rapidly reusable: The giant Super Heavy first stage and a 165-foot-tall (50 meters) upper-stage spacecraft known as Starship.

该飞行器由两个部分组成,这两个部分都被设计为可完全快速地重复使用:巨大的超重型第一级和一个 165 英尺高(50 米)的上级航天器,称为“星舰”。

Together, the duo make the biggest and most powerful space vehicle ever built. When fully stacked, Starship stands nearly 400 feet (122 meters) tall.

两人共同打造了有史以来最大、最强大的太空飞行器。完全堆叠后,Starship 高度接近 400 英尺(122 米)。

A fully stacked Starship has flown just once to date, on an April 20 test flight from Starbase that aimed to send the upper stage partway around Earth. Splashdown was targeted for the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii, but the upper stage never got to fly freely; it failed to separate from Super Heavy, and SpaceX detonated the vehicle high above the Gulf of Mexico four minutes after liftoff.

迄今为止,一艘满载的星际飞船仅飞行过一次,是在 4 月 20 日从 Starbase 进行的一次试飞中,目的是将上级送至地球周围。 Splashdown 的目标是夏威夷附近的太平洋,但上层从未自由飞行;它未能与超重型分离,SpaceX 在升空四分钟后在墨西哥湾上空引爆了该飞行器。

Related: Incredible photos of SpaceX's 1st Starship launch

相关:SpaceX 第一艘星际飞船发射的令人难以置信的照片

The goals of Saturday's flight are broadly the same as those of the April 20 mission. If all goes according to plan, Super Heavy will come down for a water landing in the Gulf of Mexico about seven minutes after liftoff.

周六飞行的目标与 4 月 20 日任务的目标大致相同。如果一切按计划进行,“超重”号将在升空后约七分钟降落在墨西哥湾水上着陆。

The Starship upper stage, meanwhile, will get close to orbital velocity as it makes a partial circuit of our planet. It will splash down near Hawaii about 90 minutes after launch. 

与此同时,星舰上级在绕地球部分运行时将接近轨道速度。发射后约 90 分钟,它将溅落在夏威夷附近。


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