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SpaceX Dragon moves out of the way for Boeing Starliner’s first crewed flight

SpaceX Dragon 为波音 Starliner 的首次载人飞行让路

发布: 2024/05/06 09:37 阅读: 555

原文作者:Seth Kurkowski


By the end of the week the International Space Station will be fully ready to support Boeing Starliner’s Crewed Test Flight with an opening on the forward docking port on the station’s Harmony Module. This will be completed with the reshuffling of two SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

到本周末,国际空间站将完全准备好支持波音 Starliner 的载人测试飞行,空间站和谐舱的前对接端口将开放。这将通过两艘 SpaceX Dragon 飞船的重新洗牌来完成。

SpaceX returns CRS-30’s Dragon, relocate Crew-8’s

Over the weekend SpaceX undocked and deorbited the CRS-30 Cargo Dragon from the space-facing port of the ISS’s Harmony Module. The spacecraft originally docked with the station on March 23 acting launching from SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on March 21. The first Dragon 2 to launch from that pad now that it has its own crew access arm.

SpaceX 送回 CRS-30 的 Dragon,重新安置 Crew-8 上周末,SpaceX 将 CRS-30 Cargo Dragon 从国际空间站和谐舱面向太空的端口脱离对接并脱离轨道。该航天器最初于 3 月 23 日与空间站对接,并于 3 月 21 日从卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站 SLC-40 发射。第一艘龙 2 号从该发射台发射,现在它拥有自己的乘员通道臂。

CRS-30 splashed down off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. With it was over 4,100 pounds of scientific research and experiments conducted on the ISS. One item was the Flawless Fibers-1 which produced over seven miles of fiber while on orbit. Optical fibers produced in space are far superior than those produced on Earth, which will lead to better remote-sensing and communications when used.

CRS-30 溅落在墨西哥湾佛罗里达州海岸附近。在国际空间站上进行了超过 4,100 磅的科学研究和实验。其中一项是 Flawless Fibers-1,它在轨道上生产了超过 7 英里的光纤。在太空中生产的光纤远远优于在地球上生产的光纤,这将在使用时带来更好的遥感和通信效果。

With the CRS-30 Dragon now back in the hands of SpaceX on Earth, attention now moves to a relocation of Crew-8’s Dragon later this week.

随着 CRS-30 Dragon 现已回到地球上的 SpaceX 手中,人们的注意力现在转移到本周晚些时候 Crew-8 的 Dragon 的搬迁上。

Thursday morning, Crew-8 will get back into their Dragon, fully suited up, and perform an automated undocking and redocking to Harmony. They move to the space-facing port of Harmony, the one CRS-30 was docked to.

星期四早上,Crew-8 将回到他们的 Dragon,全副武装,并执行自动脱离和重新对接 Harmony。他们前往和谐号面向太空的港口,也就是 CRS-30 停靠的地方。

This will give Starliner the easier forward port to autonomously dock to, this also the only port Starliner is qualified to use at the moment. This port is also preferred for when Dragons dock to the station, only a few times have crewed SpaceX spacecraft used the space-facing port for the initial docking.

这将使 Starliner 更容易自主停靠在前港,这也是 Starliner 目前唯一有资格使用的港口。当龙飞船与空间站对接时,该端口也是首选,SpaceX 载人航天器只有几次使用面向太空的端口进行初始对接。

Once this is completed Thursday, the station will be in an optimal configuration for Starliner CFT to launch next Monday, May 6.

一旦周四完成,该站将处于最佳配置,以便 Starliner CFT 于下周一(5 月 6 日)发射。

Launch preparations in full swing for Starliner CFT

Back down on Earth, launch preparations are in full swing for Boeing Starliner Crewed Flight Test that will lift off from SLC-41 next week. This will be Starliner’s first crewed flight and will fly NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore as the commander and Suni Williams as the pilot.

Starliner CFT 的发射准备工作正在全面展开回到地球后,波音 Starliner 载人飞行测试的发射准备工作正在全面展开,该测试将于下周从 SLC-41 升空。这将是 Starliner 的首次载人飞行,美国宇航局宇航员布奇·威尔莫尔 (Butch Wilmore) 担任机长,苏尼·威廉姆斯 (Suni Williams) 担任飞行员。

The crew arrived last week in one of NASA’s T-38 jets, a rare but welcome change back to normal as since SpaceX’s DM-2, commercial crews have arrived to Kennedy in a Gulfstream business jet. Although it didn’t sound like that will be sticking around sadly.

机组人员上周乘坐 NASA 的一架 T-38 喷气式飞机抵达肯尼迪,这是一个罕见但值得欢迎的恢复正常的变化,因为自 SpaceX 的 DM-2 以来,商业机组人员已乘坐湾流公务机抵达肯尼迪。尽管听起来这不会令人悲伤地继续存在。

Over the weekend, Wilmore and Williams conducted a dress rehearsal with personal from NASA, Boeing, and ULA at SLC-41 that went through the entire countdown to launch, well except for the liftoff obviously.

周末,威尔莫尔和威廉姆斯与来自 NASA、波音公司和 ULA 的人员在 SLC-41 上进行了彩排,整个发射倒计时都完成了,显然除了升空之外。

NASA has signed off on the launch readiness review so now the responsibility for getting the mission off the group is on the shoulders of Boeing and ULA. They will be in charge of getting the crew strapped into Starliner and conducting the liftoff of the Atlas V rocket.

NASA 已经批准了发射准备审查,因此现在让该任务脱离该组织的责任就落在了波音和 ULA 的肩上。他们将负责将机组人员绑在星际客机上并进行阿特拉斯五号火箭的升空。

It should be interesting to compare how SpaceX handles crewed launches versus how Boeing will next Monday.

比较 SpaceX 如何处理载人发射与波音下周一的处理方式应该会很有趣。


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