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SpaceX launches two batches of Starlink satellites


发布: 2024/01/30 10:37 阅读: 926

原文作者: Mark Moran & Darryl Coote



A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches 22 Starlink satellites from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in December.. It launched another batch aboard a Falcon 9 rocket Sunday night from Kennedy Space Center. File Photo by Joe Marino/UPI | License Photo

Jan. 28 (UPI) -- SpaceX launched two Starlink missions into space on Sunday, the first from the Florida shore followed hours later by the second from the California coast.

12 月,SpaceX 的猎鹰 9 号火箭从卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站发射了 22 颗星链卫星。周日晚上,SpaceX 的猎鹰 9 号火箭从肯尼迪航天中心发射了另一批卫星。文件照片:Joe Marino/UPI |许可照片一月。 1 月 28 日(合众国际社)——周日,SpaceX 向太空发射了两次“星链”任务,第一次从佛罗里达海岸发射,几小时后第二次从加利福尼亚海岸发射。

In total, SpaceX added 45 Starlink Satellites to its growing constellation of more than 5,000 orbitals in low-Earth orbit that provide high-speed, low-latency Internet the globe over.

SpaceX 总共在近地轨道上的 5,000 多个轨道中增加了 45 颗星链卫星,为全球提供高速、低延迟的互联网。

The first SpaceX Falcon 9 launch blasted off against the backdrop of a dark Florida sky at 8:10 p.m. EST Sunday, carrying 23 Starlink satellites that were deployed into low-Earth orbit.

SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号的首次发射于晚上 8 点 10 分在佛罗里达州黑暗的天空背景下发射升空。美国东部时间周日,搭载 23 颗星链卫星,部署到近地轨道。

The mission was in question just 40 seconds before the scheduled liftoff due to a high wind advisory at Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. It was the 74th launch of a Falcon rocket from this pad (including nine Falcon Heavy rockets), according to SpaceX.

由于美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心 39A 发射场发出大风警告,在预定升空前 40 秒,该任务出现了问题。据 SpaceX 称,这是第 74 次从该发射台发射猎鹰火箭(包括九枚猎鹰重型火箭)。


After a 13-second fiery entry back into Earth's atmosphere, the reusable booster, named 1062B, landed on A Shortfall of Gravitas, a drone ship deployed to recover the booster so it can be used again. It was the 18th mission for the booster.

经过 13 秒的炽热返回地球大气层后,名为 1062B 的可重复使用助推器降落在 A Shortfall of Gravitas 上,这是一艘部署来回收助推器以便再次使用的无人机船。这是助推器的第 18 次任务。

The second launch of a Flacon 9 rocket with a payload of 22 Starlink satellites lifted off several hours later at 9:57 p.m. PT from Space Launch Complex 4 East at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

几个小时后,载有 22 颗星链卫星的 Flacon 9 火箭第二次发射于晚上 9 点 57 分升空。来自加利福尼亚州范登堡太空军基地东 4 号航天发射场的 PT。

Its first-stage booster was on its ninth flight and returned to Earth where it successfully landed upon the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which was awaiting its re-entry in the Pacific Ocean.


It was SpaceX's 293rd and 294th launches overall, which puts the company on track to set a record. SpaceX aims to eclipse the number of launches of NASA's space shuttles by the end of 2024.

这是 SpaceX 总共第 293 次和第 294 次发射,这使得该公司有望创下纪录。 SpaceX 的目标是到 2024 年底超越 NASA 航天飞机的发射次数。


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