首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着北极星黎明任务的临近,SpaceX 公布了 EVA 套装设计

SpaceX reveals EVA suit design as Polaris Dawn mission approaches

随着北极星黎明任务的临近,SpaceX 公布了 EVA 套装设计

发布: 2024/05/06 09:54 阅读: 275

原文作者:Jeff Foust


The four crew members for the Polaris Dawn mission sit in a Crew Dragon cabin wearing the EVA suits SpaceX developed that will be tested on the flight. Credit: SpaceX

参加“北极星黎明”任务的四名机组人员穿着 SpaceX 开发的 EVA 套装坐在 Crew Dragon 舱内,该套装将在飞行中进行测试。图片来源:SpaceX

ORLANDO, Fla. — SpaceX has unveiled long-awaited spacesuits intended for spacewalks that will first be used on an upcoming private spaceflight.

佛罗里达州奥兰多——SpaceX 推出了人们期待已久的太空行走宇航服,该宇航服将首先用于即将到来的私人太空飞行。

The company revealed the design of the extravehicular activity (EVA) suit on its website and social media May 4. The suit is based on the current pressure suits worn by astronauts on Crew Dragon flights but, unlike those suits, is intended for use on spacewalks.

该公司于 5 月 4 日在其网站和社交媒体上公布了舱外活动 (EVA) 套装的设计。该套装基于目前载人龙飞船上宇航员所穿的压力服,但与这些套装不同的是,该套装旨在用于太空行走。

The suit upgrades include new joint designs that remain soft until pressurized while maintaining mobility, improved thermal management, and an upgraded helmet with an exterior coating that acts like a sun visor along with a camera and heads-up display that provides information on the status of the suit during the spacewalk. Umbilicals provide life support for the suits.


The suits will first be worn on the Polaris Dawn mission, a Crew Dragon private spaceflight that is part of the Polaris program of missions backed by billionaire Jared Isaacman. He will fly on that mission with Kidd Poteet, Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon. All four will wear the suits because Crew Dragon, lacking an airlock, will have to be depressurized for the spacewalk.


Gillis said in a discussion hosted by SpaceX on social media May 4 that the spacewalk would last about two hours, including the time depressurizing the cabin at the start and repressurizing it at the end. Two people will exit the capsule, using a device called a “skywalker” at the front hatch with handholds and interfaces to assist them in going through the hatch.

吉利斯在 5 月 4 日 SpaceX 在社交媒体上主持的讨论中表示,太空行走将持续约两个小时,包括开始时给舱室减压和结束时重新加压的时间。两个人将离开太空舱,使用前舱口处名为“天行者”的设备,该设备带有手柄和接口,可帮助他们穿过舱口。

The spacewalkers will go through a “test matrix” to collect data on the performance of the EVA suits. “This is looking at mobility, movement in this microgravity environment, how the suit is performing,” she said. “There’s a whole series of test questions that will be stepped through for the time outside the spacecraft.”

太空行走者将通过“测试矩阵”来收集有关 EVA 服性能的数据。 “这是在考虑微重力环境下的机动性、运动以及宇航服的性能,”她说。 “在航天器外的时间里,我们将逐步完成一系列的测试问题。”

The suits have been extensively tested on the ground, including a test where the entire Crew Dragon capsule was placed in a vacuum chamber and the cabin depressurized with four “spacesuit simulators” inside. “That all worked as expected,” said Stu Keech, vice president of Dragon at SpaceX. “That’s equivalent to the uncrewed Demo-1 flight” of Crew Dragon in 2019.

这些宇航服已经在地面上进行了广泛的测试,其中包括将整个载人龙飞船太空舱放置在真空室中并在舱内减压并在内部放置四个“宇航服模拟器”的测试。 “一切都按预期进行,”SpaceX Dragon 副总裁斯图·基奇 (Stu Keech) 说道。 “这相当于 2019 年 Crew Dragon 的无人 Demo-1 飞行”。

The spacewalk also required modifications to Dragon itself, such as a repressuization system to restore cabin pressure after the spacewalk and changing some materials based on their outgassing properties. “The interior is going to look a little different when you see pictures of us sitting in the spacecraft,” Gillis said.

太空行走还需要对龙飞船本身进行改造,例如在太空行走后恢复舱内压力的再加压系统,以及根据其排气特性改变一些材料。 “当你看到我们坐在飞船里的照片时,内部看起来会有点不同,”吉利斯说。

The suits will also be used as the pressure suits worn during launch and reentry on typical Crew Dragon missions. SpaceX plans to eventually combine the two suits into a single one, with some changes already incorporated into pressure suits starting with the Crew-6 mission based on what the company learned developing the EVA suits.

该套装还将用作典型载人龙飞船任务中发射和重返大气层时穿着的压力套装。 SpaceX 计划最终将这两套宇航服合二为一,从 Crew-6 任务开始,根据该公司在开发 EVA 宇航服时所学到的知识,一些改变已经融入到压力宇航服中。

“The goal of this suit is to be our first design of the EVA suit, and then, just like all over SpaceX products, we’re going to continue through block upgrades as we go forward and learn,” Keech said.

“这款套装的目标是成为我们的第一个 EVA 套装设计,然后,就像所有 SpaceX 产品一样,我们将在前进和学习的过程中继续进行整体升级,”基奇说。

Polaris Dawn plans

The spacewalk is a key part of the upcoming Polaris Dawn mission, and development of the spacesuits had been a pacing factor for that flight, once planned for late 2022 but delayed several times since then.

北极星黎明计划太空行走是即将到来的北极星黎明任务的一个关键部分,宇航服的开发一直是该次飞行的一个节奏因素,该飞行曾计划于 2022 年底进行,但此后多次推迟。

Polaris Dawn is now scheduled for early summer, and SpaceX expressed confidence that the schedule would hold. “Polaris Dawn is the next major operation for the Dragon program,” Keech said. “Right now the whole team is driving towards a launch date in early summer of this year.”

北极星黎明现定于夏初举行,SpaceX 表示有信心维持这一时间表。 “北极星黎明号是龙计划的下一个主要行动,”基奇说。 “目前整个团队正在努力争取今年初夏的发布日期。”

The Falcon 9 launching the Polaris Dawn mission will place the Crew Dragon spacecraft into an elliptical orbit of 190 by 1,200 kilometers, Menon said. The spacecraft will then raise its apogee to 1,400 kilometers, the highest altitude for a crewed mission since the Apollo 17 crewed mission in 1972.

梅农表示,猎鹰 9 号发射的“北极星黎明”任务将把载人龙飞船送入 190 x 1,200 公里的椭圆轨道。随后,飞船将把远地点提升至 1,400 公里,这是自 1972 年阿波罗 17 号载人任务以来载人任务的最高高度。

Dragon will remain at that apogee for about seven orbits, collecting data on the increased radiation environment, before lowering to 700 kilometers. That is the altitude at which the mission will conduct the EVA. The mission will remain in orbit for five days, Isaacman said, conducting experiments and testing the ability of the spacecraft to communicate through SpaceX’s Starlink constellation.

“龙”号将在该最高点停留约 7 个轨道,收集有关增加的辐射环境的数据,然后降低到 700 公里。这是任务执行 EVA 的高度。艾萨克曼表示,此次任务将在轨道上停留五天,进行实验并测试航天器通过 SpaceX 星链星座进行通信的能力。

The flight profile, with the higher altitude and the spacewalk, brings with it new risks. Keech said SpaceX had evaluated both the radiation and micrometeroid/orbital debris impact risk for this flight profile. “The Polaris Dawn mission, for both of those, will be within the risk that we accept for a six-month ISS mission,” he said. “We want to make sure that we’re not unnecessarily taking risks, but you do have to expand the envelope and do it methodically.”

“We certainly are briefed constantly on where the differences are between our mission and a normal profile,” Isaacman said, “and feel really comfortable they’ve been addressed.”



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