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SpaceX set to launch its 90th orbital mission of the year tonight

SpaceX 将于今晚发射今年第 90 次轨道任务

发布: 2023/12/07 14:25 阅读: 416

原文作者:Mike Wall


SpaceX 将于今晚发射今年第 90 次轨道任务

SpaceX is poised to launch yet another batch of its Starlink internet satellites to orbit tonight (Dec. 6).

SpaceX 准备于今晚(12 月 6 日)发射另一批 Starlink 互联网卫星进入轨道。

Falcon 9 rocket topped with 23 Starlink spacecraft is scheduled to lift off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 11:01 p.m. EST (0401 GMT on Dec. 7), on SpaceX's 90th orbital mission of 2023. 

搭载 23 颗星链航天器的猎鹰 9 号火箭计划于晚上 11:01 从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角太空部队站升空。美国东部时间(格林尼治标准时间 12 月 7 日 0401),SpaceX 执行 2023 年第 90 次轨道任务。

If SpaceX can't hit that initial target, backup opportunities are available until 2:59 a.m. EST (0759 GMT) on Thursday (Dec. 7), the company wrote in a mission description.

该公司在任务描述中写道,如果 SpaceX 无法实现初始目标,则在美国东部时间周四(12 月 7 日)凌晨 2:59(格林尼治标准时间 0759)之前都有备用机会。

You can watch the action live via SpaceX's account on X (formerly known as Twitter). Coverage will begin about five minutes before the launch window opens.

您可以通过 SpaceX 在 X 上的帐户(以前称为 Twitter)观看现场直播。报道将在发射窗口打开前大约五分钟开始。

If all goes according to plan, the rocket's first stage will come back to Earth for a vertical landing about 8.5 minutes after launch. It will touch down on the SpaceX droneship "Just Read the Instructions," which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida coast.

如果一切按计划进行,火箭的第一级将在发射后约 8.5 分钟返回地球并垂直着陆。它将降落在 SpaceX 无人机“Just Read the instructions”上,该船将驻扎在佛罗里达州海岸附近的大西洋上。

It will be the ninth launch and landing for this particular booster, according to the mission description.  


The 23 Starlink satellites, meanwhile, will deploy from the Falcon 9's upper stage into low Earth orbit about 65 minutes after liftoff.

与此同时,23 颗星链卫星将在升空后约 65 分钟从猎鹰 9 号的上级部署到近地轨道。

Starlink is SpaceX's huge and ever-growing broadband megaconstellation, which beams internet service down to people around the world. The network currently consists of more than 5,100 active satellites, according to astrophysicist and satellite tracker Jonathan McDowell.

Starlink 是 SpaceX 庞大且不断增长的宽带巨型星座,它将互联网服务传送给世界各地的人们。天体物理学家兼卫星跟踪器乔纳森·麦克道尔 (Jonathan McDowell) 表示,该网络目前由 5,100 多颗活跃卫星组成。

SpaceX extends its flight-cadence record with every liftoff these days. The company's previous annual mark, 61 launches, was set last year. But we should expect even more spaceflight action next year: SpaceX representatives have said they're shooting for 144 launches in 2024.

如今,SpaceX 的每次发射都刷新了其飞行节奏记录。该公司之前的年度目标是去年发布了 61 次产品。但我们预计明年会有更多的航天行动:SpaceX 代表表示,他们计划在 2024 年进行 144 次发射。


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