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Wet Dress Rehearsal on the Horizon for Starship Flight 3

《星舰飞行 3》地平线上的湿装排练

发布: 2024/01/26 16:13 阅读: 442



《星舰飞行 3》地平线上的湿装排练

SpaceX is deep into preparations for the next Starship flight, focusing on the Orbital Launch Pad (OLP). Booster 10 and Ship 28 are set to return to the launch site in the coming week or two, ahead of a Wet Dress Rehearsal (WDR) that will set the stage for the third launch of the world’s largest and most powerful rocket.

SpaceX 正在深入准备下一次星际飞船飞行,重点是轨道发射台(OLP)。助推器 10 号和船 28 号将在未来一两周内返回发射场,随后进行湿装彩排 (WDR),这将为世界上最大、最强大的火箭的第三次发射奠定基础。

Upcoming Wet Dress Rehearsal


With both Ship 28 and Booster 10 expected to return to the pad next week at the earliest, SpaceX would be able to hold to their timeline of having vehicle readiness by the end of January.

由于 Ship 28 和 Booster 10 预计最早将于下周返回发射台,SpaceX 将能够坚持在 1 月底之前完成车辆准备就绪的时间表。

Recently, Ship 28 was taken off the turntable and placed on a transport stand. Once both vehicles return to the pad, the expectation is SpaceX will complete a WDR just like the last two flights.

最近,28号船被从转盘上取下并放置在运输台上。一旦两辆车返回发射台,SpaceX 将像前两次飞行一样完成 WDR。

This WDR could be even more vital than the last two completed because of the upgrades and changes to the Orbital Tarm Farm (OTF). Since Flight 2, SpaceX has installed extra pumps and subcoolers as well as changed up the plumping so that the ship subcoolers are separate from the booster ones. This would help improve efficiency in getting the stack fueled much quicker.

由于轨道塔姆农场 (OTF) 的升级和更改,此 WDR 可能比前两次完成的更为重要。自第二次飞行以来,SpaceX 安装了额外的泵和过冷器,并改变了管道系统,以便船舶过冷器与助推器过冷器分开。这将有助于提高效率,更快地为电池组提供燃料。

Changes to the Orbital Tank Farm and Launch Site


After the rollback of Booster 10 and Ship 28, SpaceX began to remove and scrap the old water tank and one of the repurposed Methane tanks. The old water tank hadn’t been in use for some time because leaks started appearing early on, and SpaceX had to abandon it.

在 Booster 10 和 Ship 28 回滚后,SpaceX 开始拆除并报废旧水箱和一个重新利用的甲烷罐。旧水箱已经有一段时间没有使用了,因为很早就开始出现泄漏,SpaceX 不得不放弃它。

That water tank was just a cryo shell like the others used on the other cryo tanks. However, no additional reinforcement was added to it, which is why the tank was abandoned. The repurposed methane tanks filled the role of this water tank, which is used for heat exchangers located in the cryo bunker. These heat exchangers are likely used to help heat up Liquid Nitrogen, which is then used to help purge and add pressure to the cryo lines.


SpaceX is also adding large vertical I beams and cross supports to the Liquid Nitrogen Tank and the still remaining Water tank that is exposed to the exhaust plume. These are to reinforce the cryo shell during static fires and launches because the cryo shells that have now been removed were damaged due to sound waves from engine firings.

SpaceX 还为液氮罐和暴露在废气羽流中的剩余水箱添加了大型垂直工字梁和十字支撑。这些是为了在静态发射和发射期间加固低温外壳,因为现在已被拆除的低温外壳由于发动机点火的声波而损坏。

Over the past several weeks, SpaceX has been completing small upgrades all over the OLP. The HESCO barriers that were next to the main blast wall protecting the tank farm were removed and are being replaced by a concrete wall. Plates are being added on top of the concrete at the base of the tower because of erosion from all the engine firings.

在过去的几周里,SpaceX 一直在整个 OLP 上完成小型升级。保护罐区的主防爆墙旁边的 HESCO 屏障已被拆除,并被混凝土墙取代。由于所有发动机点火的侵蚀,在塔底部的混凝土顶部添加了板材。

The Ship Quick disconnect arm was repainted, and SpaceX could be doing upgrades to the arm as well. Several burn plates on the Orbital Launch Mount (OLM) ring have been replaced, especially the ones near the Booster Quick Disconnect. Those get more cooked than others because of the pad avoidance maneuver that Starship performs at liftoff. 

Ship Quick 断开臂重新喷漆,SpaceX 也可能对该臂进行升级。轨道发射架(OLM)环上的几个燃烧板已被更换,尤其是助推器快速断开附近的燃烧板。由于星际飞船在升空时执行的避免垫动作,这些飞机比其他飞机更容易煮熟。

These plates act as an ablative armor for the OLM deck and inner ring. Along with all the small upgrades, SpaceX is taking this time to repair damage still left over from Flight 1, such as repairing welds inside the OLM. SpaceX still has a lot of work to do to make this pad easily refurbished.

这些板充当 OLM 甲板和内环的烧蚀装甲。除了所有的小升级之外,SpaceX 还利用这段时间修复 1 号航班遗留的损坏,例如修复 OLM 内部的焊缝。为了让这个发射台能够轻松翻新,SpaceX 还有很多工作要做。

Along with all the changes to the OTF, the SpaceX LR11000 crane was laid down, and SpaceX and Buckner have been taking the crane apart piece by piece. It is unclear if this is heavy maintenance considering this was first raised over two years ago, or if it is being taken apart to be shipped to another location.

随着 OTF 的所有变化,SpaceX LR11000 起重机也已安放,SpaceX 和巴克纳一直在将起重机一块一块地拆开。考虑到这是两年多前首次提出的,目前还不清楚这是否是一项繁重的维护工作,或者是否正在被拆开运到另一个地点。

Tower Two and Sanchez


SpaceX has started putting together some of the pieces for tower two at Sanchez, and one of the pieces for the top section that holds the pulleys for the draw works arrived this week. SpaceX has built up an entire area at Sanchez dedicated to building the second tower and pad and is expected to ship most of the materials from the Cape.

SpaceX 已开始组装桑切斯二号塔的一些部件,用于固定牵引装置滑轮的顶部部件之一已于本周抵达。 SpaceX 在桑切斯建立了整个区域,专门用于建造第二座塔和发射场,预计将从开普敦运送大部分材料。

It is still unclear where this second tower will be located. However, in a recent all-hands meeting, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk showed an older animation where the second tower was to the south. But, there has yet to be a confirmation if that was still the case. Starbase General Manager Kathryn Lueders mentioned that this would be a launch tower several weeks back.

目前尚不清楚第二座塔将位于何处。然而,在最近的一次全体会议上,SpaceX 首席执行官埃隆·马斯克展示了一个较旧的动画,其中第二座塔位于南边。但是,情况是否仍然如此还有待确认。 Starbase 总经理凯瑟琳·卢德斯 (Kathryn Lueders) 几周前提到,这将是一座发射塔。

SpaceX is still working on the second Booster transport stand as well as the second Ship work stand for the Ship Bay. Once those are complete, work should start on the third transport stand and work stand. 

SpaceX 仍在建造第二个 Booster 运输站以及船舱的第二个船舶工作台。一旦这些完成,就应该开始第三个运输站和工作站的工作。

Ship 26 has been on the engine install stand since Jan 10, and SpaceX is still adding more stringers to the payload section. What Ship 26 will be used for in the future is still a mystery, but the most likely outcome is a structural test article.

自 1 月 10 日以来,26 号船一直在发动机安装台上,SpaceX 仍在为有效载荷部分添加更多纵梁。 26号船未来的用途仍然是个谜,但最有可能的结果是结构测试品。

Production Site


SpaceX has been making great progress on Starfactory and getting the New High Bay (Ship Bay) fully kitted out and built. The roof on the new Ship Bay’s roof is nearly complete, and SpaceX has been installing all of the lights and elevator equipment inside. Starfactory has been constantly growing, and footings are already starting to be dug out where Tent 3 was, which will be the final section of the factory.

SpaceX 在 Starfactory 上取得了巨大进展,并完成了新高湾(船湾)的全面装备和建造。新船舱的屋顶已接近完工,SpaceX 已经在里面安装了所有的灯光和电梯设备。 Starfactory一直在不断发展,3号帐篷所在的地方已经开始挖地基,这将是工厂的最后一个部分。

The Ringyard is completely cleaned out as SpaceX is starting the final section of Starfactory. A Booster common section, a Nosecone section, and a booster forward section were moved behind the High Bay, and everything else was pushed to the new scrap yard in Sanchez. 

随着 SpaceX 开始启动 Starfactory 的最后部分,Ringyard 已被完全清理干净。助推器公共部分、鼻锥部分和助推器前部部分被移至高湾后面,其他所有东西都被推到桑切斯的新废料场。



After the cryo testing of Ship 30 and Booster 12, SpaceX continued the construction of a possible flame trench and static fire stand for ships. Currently, SpaceX is still using Suborbital Pad B for static fire testing, and it is unknown if SpaceX has the approval for static fire vehicles at Masseys, like at the launch site. But paperwork could be in the works for such testing.

在对 Ship 30 和 Booster 12 进行低温测试后,SpaceX 继续为船舶建造可能的火焰沟和静态消防站。目前,SpaceX 仍在使用 Suborbital Pad B 进行静态消防测试,尚不清楚 SpaceX 是否获得了梅西大学静态消防车的批准,就像在发射场一样。但此类测试的文书工作可能正在进行中。

Along with the construction of the possible flame trench, SpaceX has installed cryogenic pumps, subcoolers, and extra tanks to support a static fire stand.

在建造可能的火焰沟的同时,SpaceX 还安装了低温泵、过冷器和额外的水箱来支持静态消防站。

Vehicle Updates


Flight 4’s vehicles, Ship 29 and Booster 11, are still on their respective work stands getting kitted out for static fires and flights. Flight 5’s vehicles, Ship 30 and Booster 12, have both completed cryo, and Booster 12 is not on a work stand after having rolled back recently.

Flight 4 的车辆、Ship 29 和 Booster 11 仍在各自的工作台上,准备静态火力和飞行装备。 Flight 5 的载具 Ship 30 和 Booster 12 均已完成低温处理,而 Booster 12 最近回滚后并未出现在工作台上。

Ship 30 is still waiting for the next stand to be installed in the Ship Bay. With Booster 12 being placed on the center work stand there is now three full boosters inside Mega Bay getting engines or being worked on.

30 号船仍在等待在船湾安装下一个支架。随着 Booster 12 被放置在中央工作台上,Mega Bay 内现在有 3 个完整的助推器正在安装发动机或正在维修。

Along with three full boosters in the Mega Bay a big milestone was hit for Flight 6 as Booster 13’s Methane tank is finished stacking. This makes nearly four flight capable boosters complete at once.

随着 13 号助推器的甲烷罐完成堆叠,与 Mega Bay 中的三个完整助推器一起,6 号航班也达到了一个重要的里程碑。这使得近四个具有飞行能力的助推器同时完成。

Currently, other than catching glimpses of possible Version 2 parts inside Starfactory, there is little evidence that anything will appear outside of the factory anytime soon. The first pieces of Version 2 could just be pathfinder test tanks.

目前,除了在 Starfactory 内瞥见可能的第 2 版零件外,几乎没有证据表明任何东西很快就会出现在工厂外。第 2 版的第一批产品可能只是探路者测试坦克。

Hopefully, there is evidence of the second tower being started soon, along with pieces of Version 2 of Starship showing up.


Featured Image: Ship 28 Peaking out of High Bay (Credit: Jack Beyer for NSF – vast amounts of hi res Starbase Flyover pics and daily Starbase pics – 100s a month – available to all L2 members)

特色图片:28 号船从高湾驶出(图片来源:Jack Beyer for NSF - 大量高分辨率 Starbase Flyover 图片和每日 Starbase 图片 - 每月 100 张 - 向所有 L2 成员提供)


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