Chinese College Student's Cryptocurrency Fraud Conviction Raises Legal Debate
In 2022, Yang Qichao, a student at Zhejiang University in China, issued a virtual currency token, BFF. However, shortly after its issuance, Qichao withdrew liquidity, causing an investor, Luo, to lose 50,000 BSC-USDT coins exchanged for the tokens. Luo subsequently filed a complaint, leading to Qichao's arrest and conviction for cryptocurrency fraud.
2022年、中国の浙江大学の学生楊啓超氏が仮想通貨トークン「BFF」を発行した。しかし、発行直後、Qichao は流動性を引き出し、投資家の Luo はトークンと交換された 50,000 BSC-USDT コインを失いました。その後、ルオ氏は告訴状を提出し、チーチャオ氏は仮想通貨詐欺で逮捕され、有罪判決を受けた。
Legal Concerns
Qichao's sentencing to 4.5 years in prison and a 30,000 Yuan fine has sparked legal debate. Allegations of fraud surrounding the creation and trading activities of the BFF token have raised concerns.
啓超氏に対する懲役4年半と罰金3万元の判決は、法的な議論を引き起こした。 BFF トークンの作成と取引活動を巡る詐欺の疑惑により、懸念が生じています。
Yang Qichao's Defense
Qichao's defense attorney has cited a 2017 Chinese regulatory law that states token issuance is illegal and risks borne by investors. However, the law does not explicitly define "token issuance."
Additionally, the defense has argued that BFF coins existed before Qichao's issuance, and virtual currency platforms allow for multiple coins with identical names but unique contract addresses and liquidity.
Furthermore, the defense has refuted the prosecution's claim that Luo lost money, asserting that he profited from trading the virtual currency.
The case of Yang Qichao has highlighted the legal uncertainties surrounding cryptocurrency regulation in China. The debate underscores the need for clear guidelines and definitions to prevent future legal disputes in this rapidly evolving industry.