フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスク氏、スペースXのスターシップはクリスマスまでに再び飛行できるようになるはずだと語る

SpaceX's Starship should be ready to fly again before Christmas, Elon Musk says


リリース: 2023/11/21 10:50 読む: 921

原作者:Mike Wall


But it's unclear if the company will have a launch license by then.


A crowd in South Texas watches the second-ever test flight of SpaceX's giant Starship vehicle on Nov. 18, 2023. (Image credit: SpaceX)

Space fans could be in for a holiday treat.

2023 年 11 月 18 日、スペース X の巨大スターシップ宇宙船の 2 回目の試験飛行を見守る南テキサスの群衆。(画像提供: SpaceX)宇宙ファンはホリデー シーズンの楽しみになるかもしれません。

SpaceX's third Starship vehicle "should be ready to fly in 3 to 4 weeks," company founder and CEO Elon Musk said via X (formerly known as Twitter) on Sunday (Nov. 19).


That would place technical readiness before Christmas — but there's no guarantee Starship will be cleared for liftoff by then. SpaceX still needs to secure a launch license from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is overseeing an investigation into what happened Saturday (Nov. 18) during Starship's second-ever test flight.

そうすれば、クリスマス前に技術的な準備が整いますが、それまでにスターシップの打ち上げが許可されるという保証はありません。 SpaceXは依然として米国連邦航空局(FAA)から打ち上げライセンスを確保する必要がある。FAAは土曜日(11月18日)、スターシップの史上2回目の試験飛行中に何が起こったのかについての調査を監督している。

Related: SpaceX's 2nd Starship launch test looks amazing in these stunning photos and videos

関連: SpaceX の 2 回目の Starship 打ち上げテストは、これらの驚くべき写真とビデオで素晴らしく見えます

Saturday's mission, which lifted off from SpaceX's Starbase site in South Texas, aimed to send Starship's upper stage most of the way around Earth, wrapping up with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii 90 minutes after launch. 


But the flight ended about eight minutes in, with a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" of the craft. That wasn't the only explosion of the day; Starship's huge Super Heavy first stage was supposed to come back to Earth for a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico about seven minutes after liftoff, but it broke apart high in the sky just after separating from the upper stage.


Starship did notch some important milestones on flight number two, however, and chief among them was successful stage separation, which did not occur on the vehicle's first test flight this past April. That debut flight ended just four minutes after launch, with a commanded detonation of the tumbling Starship vehicle.


In addition, a handful of Super Heavy's 33 Raptor engines conked out early during the April flight, whereas all of them appeared to burn for the proper duration on Saturday. Starbase's orbital launch mount also seemed to emerge unscathed this weekend, whereas the April launch blasted out a big crater beneath it.


Shortly after the April 20 flight, Musk said SpaceX would be ready to launch Starship again in just six to eight weeks


It ended up taking much longer than that for the vehicle to get off the ground, of course. The FAA didn't grant a launch license until Nov. 15, after it had wrapped up an investigation into the explosion and conducted a safety review as well as an environmental assessment.

もちろん、車両が地面から飛び立つまでには、それよりもはるかに長い時間がかかりました。 FAAは爆発の調査を終え、安全性審査と環境評価を実施した後、11月15日まで打ち上げ許可を与えなかった。

It's unclear when the agency's investigation into Saturday's flight will end; it just got underway, after all. But, given the progress SpaceX made with flight two compared to flight one, it would be surprising if there's another seven-month gap between Starship liftoffs.


SpaceX certainly seems to be gearing up for an increased test-flight cadence. "There are three ships in final production in the [Starbase] high bay (as can be seen from the highway)," Musk said in the Sunday X post.

SpaceXは確かに試験飛行のペースを高める準備をしているようだ。 「(高速道路から見えるように)(スターベースの)高湾には3隻の最終生産段階にある船がある」とマスク氏はサンデーXの投稿で述べた。


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