首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 發射綜述:SpaceX 將於 2024 年完成獵鷹 9 號的第 40 次飛行

Launch Roundup: SpaceX to reach its 40th Falcon 9 flight of 2024

發射綜述:SpaceX 將於 2024 年完成獵鷹 9 號的第 40 次飛行

發布: 2024/04/16 11:47 閱讀: 831

原文作者: Martin Smith


With seven Falcon 9 launches flown this month already, SpaceX’s rapid pace continues with another three flights planned for this coming week. There are two planned launches on Wednesday, April 17, from both the east and west coasts, and another on Thursday, April 18. Additionally, a Chinese Chang Zheng 2D launched on Monday.

本月獵鷹 9 號已經進行了 7 次發射,SpaceX 繼續保持快速發展勢頭,計劃在下週再進行 3 次發射。計劃於 4 月 17 日星期三從東海岸和西海岸發射兩次,並於 4 月 18 日星期四發射另一次。

Not content with breaking new cadence records in the first quarter of the year with an impressive 31 launches, SpaceX continued to reach new milestones last week. The company celebrated the first 20th launch and landing of a booster with B1062 during the Starlink 6-49 mission — a booster that has flown eight astronauts to space. The company also completed three orbital launches from Vandenberg in just 11 days, including the fastest turnaround time ever for Space Launch Complex (SLC) 4E at four and a half days between the USSF-62 and Starlink Group 8-1 missions.

SpaceX 並不滿足於在今年第一季以令人印象深刻的 31 次發射打破了新的節奏記錄,上週繼續達到新的里程碑。該公司慶祝了在星鏈 6-49 任務期間 B1062 助推器的首次發射和著陸第 20 次——該助推器已將 8 名宇航員送入太空。該公司還在短短11 天內從范登堡完成了3 次軌道發射,其中包括USSF-62 和Starlink Group 8-1 任務之間的太空發射綜合體(SLC) 4E 的最快週轉時間為四天半。

Wednesday’s Starlink Group 6-51 mission will be the company’s 40th Falcon 9 mission of the year to date. To put this, and its increasing cadence, in context it took SpaceX until late June last year to reach this point, and early September to reach this stage in 2022. A year ago this week, the company had launched 23 missions so far.

週三的 Starlink Group 6-51 任務將是該公司今年迄今的第 40 次獵鷹 9 號任務。 SpaceX 直到去年 6 月底才達到這一點,並在 2022 年 9 月初才達到這一階段。

With everything going to schedule and having already notched up seven missions in April, the company will finish this week with ten Falcon 9 flights completed. It was only a few months ago that the team celebrated this feat as a new monthly milestone at the end of January. The company is making good progress now towards the still-ambitious goal of 148 flights this year and is also close to reaching 300 successful recoveries, which could be achieved before the end of this month.

隨著一切按計劃進行,並且已經在 4 月完成了 7 次任務,該公司將於本週完成 10 次獵鷹 9 號飛行。就在幾個月前,該團隊在一月底慶祝了這項壯舉,將其作為新的每月里程碑。該公司目前在實現今年 148 架航班的宏偉目標方面取得了良好進展,並且也接近實現 300 架次成功康復,這一目標可能在本月底之前實現。

The United States and China account for 82 percent of launches so far this year, China being the second busiest nation for launches, with 15 total at the start of this week. The launch of a Chang Zheng 2D in the early hours of Monday morning increased this count further, lifting an Earth observation satellite to orbit. As the week begins, there have been a total of 72 orbital launches worldwide so far this year, with SpaceX accounting for around 52 percent of all orbital launches this year.

今年迄今,美國和中國的發射次數佔 82%,其中中國是發射次數第二多的國家,截至本周初,總共有 15 次發射。週一凌晨發射的長徵二號衛星進一步增加了這個數字,將一顆地球觀測衛星送入軌道。截至本週開始,今年全球總共進行了 72 次軌道發射,其中 SpaceX 約佔今年所有軌道發射的 52%。

A Chang Zheng 2D (CZ-2D) launched from Site 9401 (SLS-2) at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in China on Monday, April 15, at 04:12 UTC at the start of a brief 25-minute launch window.

世界標準時間 4 月 15 日星期一 04:12,在短暫的 25 分鐘發射窗口開始時,長徵 2D (CZ-2D) 從中國酒泉衛星發射中心的 9401 號站點 (SLS-2) 發射升空。

This was the third flight of the two-stage CZ-2D vehicle this year, all of which have taken place in a period lasting just over three weeks. The rocket has previously lifted both the secretive Yaogan 42-01 remote sensing satellite and the Yunhai-2 Group 02 meteorological satellites into low-Earth orbit for the Chinese military in recent weeks.

這是兩級 CZ-2D 飛行器今年的第三次飛行,所有飛行都在短短三週多的時間內完成。最近幾週,該火箭已將神秘的遙感42-01遙感衛星和雲海二號02組氣象衛星送入近地軌道。

This time, the payload was the SuperView Neo 3-01 Earth observation satellite, heading into a Sun-synchronous orbit. Built for China Siwei Survey and Mapping Technology Co. Ltd. by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the satellite boasts 0.5-meter resolution over nine image wavelength bands and a 130-kilometer-wide imaging swath. The SuperView Neo constellation is planned to extend to 28 satellites, the first four of which were launched in pairs back in April and July 2022.

這次的酬載是SuperView Neo 3-01地球觀測衛星,進入太陽同步軌道。該衛星由中國航太科技集團公司為中國四維測繪技術有限公司建造,具有0.5公尺解析度、9個影像波段、130公里寬的成像測繪帶。 SuperView Neo 星座計畫擴展到 28 顆衛星,其中前四顆衛星於 2022 年 4 月和 7 月成對發射。

The CZ-2D is a reliable workhorse, produced by the state-owned Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. It has been actively carrying satellites into Sun-synchronous and other low-Earth orbits for over 30 years. With 87 previous launches under its belt, the vehicle has only suffered one partial failure, occurring over seven years and 55 flights ago when the payloads were placed into a lower-than-intended orbit.

CZ-2D 是一架可靠的主力飛機,由國營的上海航太技術研究院生產。 30多年來,它一直積極將衛星送入太陽同步軌道和其他近地軌道。該飛行器先前已進行 87 次發射,僅遭遇過一次部分故障,發生在七年多的 55 次飛行前,當時有效載荷被置於低於預期的軌道。

A Falcon 9 is scheduled to launch from SLC-4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base on Wednesday, April 17, at 11:30 AM PDT (18:30 UTC), taking two satellites massing a total of 1,500 kilograms into a Sun-synchronous orbit. The booster, which is yet to be confirmed, will return to land on the pad at Landing Zone 4, which is located around 400 meters away from the launch mount.

獵鷹9 號計畫於4 月17 日星期三太平洋夏令時間上午11:30(世界標準時間18:30)從范登堡太空部隊基地的SLC-4E 發射,將兩顆總重1,500 公斤的衛星送入太陽同步軌道。尚未確認的助推器將返回著陸區 4 的發射台,該著陸區距離發射架約 400 公尺。

The WorldView Legion satellite constellation is Maxar Technologies’ next-generation constellation of Earth observation satellites, designed and built in-house at the company’s facilities in Palo Alto and San Jose, California. DigitalGlobe first announced its selection of SpaceX as the launch provider back in 2018 when the satellites were initially anticipated to launch in two blocks of six. Hardware-based delays, as well as the complexity of the technology, have caused a number of setbacks. The planned constellation will now consist of six satellites in total, to be launched in pairs and will orbit in polar and mid-inclination orbits.

WorldView Legion 衛星星座是 Maxar Technologies 的下一代地球觀測衛星星座,由該公司位於加州帕洛阿爾托和聖何塞的​​工廠內部設計和建造。 DigitalGlobe 於 2018 年首次宣布選擇 SpaceX 作為發射供應商,當時衛星最初預計將分兩批發射,每批六顆。基於硬體的延遲以及技術的複雜性導致了許多挫折。計畫中的星座現在將總共由六顆衛星組成,將成對發射,並在極地和中傾角軌道上運行。

The satellites are the first to utilize a new Maxar 500 series bus platform with better stability, agility, and pointing accuracy. They will occupy an approximately 500-kilometer altitude orbit when fully deployed, providing 30-centimeter high-resolution imagery and eight-band multispectral imagery across 15 revisits per day over the most active regions of the world. The satellites will triple the company’s coverage in 30-centimeter class resolution, capturing five million square kilometers of imagery each day. The satellites are designed with a 10-year lifespan.

這些衛星是首批採用新型 Maxar 500 系列匯流排平台的衛星,具有更好的穩定性、敏捷性和指向性精確度。完全部署後,它們將佔據大約 500 公里高空的軌道,每天在世界上最活躍的地區進行 15 次重訪,提供 30 公分高解析度影像和八波段多光譜影像。這些衛星將以 30 公分級解析度將公司的覆蓋範圍擴大三倍,每天捕捉 500 萬平方公里的影像。這些衛星的設計壽命為10年。

Applications will include supporting national security missions for monitoring and surveillance of ground-based potential threats or verifying enforced sanctions and treaties. The satellites also provide a variety of maritime monitoring functions such as the surveillance of natural disasters, pollution, and oil spills through to the detection of illegal fishing, piracy, drug smuggling, or human trafficking. Utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms, the WorldView Legion satellites can support the abilities to detect, identify, and respond quickly to suspicious activities. Maxar worked with its instrument partner Raytheon to develop a smaller telescope that requires less power.

應用將包括支援國家安全任務,以監測和監視地面潛在威脅或驗證強制制裁和條約。這些衛星還提供各種海上監測功能,例如監視自然災害、污染和石油洩漏,以及偵查非法捕魚、海盜、毒品走私或人口販運。 WorldView Legion 衛星利用人工智慧演算法,可以支援偵測、識別和快速回應可疑活動的能力。 Maxar 與其儀器合作夥伴雷神公司合作開發了一種需要更少功率的小型望遠鏡。

Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 6-51

獵鷹 9 號區塊 5 |星鏈集團 6-51

The first Starlink mission of the week is scheduled to launch from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Wednesday, April 17, at 5:24 PM EDT (21:24 UTC). As with other missions into this Group 6 shell, the Falcon 9 will carry another batch of 23 Starlink v2 Mini satellites into an initial 284 by 292-kilometer orbit, inclined 43 degrees.

本週的首次星鏈任務計劃於 4 月 17 日星期三美國東部時間下午 5:24(世界標準時間 21:24)從佛羅裡達州肯尼迪航天中心的 39A 發射場發射。與第 6 組外殼中的其他任務一樣,獵鷹 9 號將攜帶另一批 23 顆 Starlink v2 Mini 衛星進入最初的 284 x 292 公里軌道,傾斜 43 度。

The booster, which has not been identified yet, is likely to land on the autonomous droneship Just Read the Instructions, located downrange in the Atlantic, at around eight and a half minutes after launch.


The second Starlink mission of the week is scheduled to launch from neighboring SLC-40 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and will carry another batch of Starlink v2 Mini satellites into the same Group 6 shell of the constellation. Liftoff is expected at 6:40 AM EDT (22:40 UTC) at the start of a four-and-a-half-hour launch window on Thursday, April 18.

本週的第二次星鏈任務計畫從鄰近的卡納維拉爾角太空部隊站的 SLC-40 發射,並將攜帶另一批星鏈 v2 Mini 衛星進入該星座的同一個 Group 6 外殼。預計 4 月 18 日星期四上午 6:40(世界標準時間 22:40)發射,四個半小時的發射窗口開始。

The booster, which has not been identified yet, is expected to land on an autonomous droneship further downrange. SLC-40 was the pad from which the Group 6-49 and Group 6-48 missions launched during the previous week, the latter of which was unusually delayed twice into its launch window for undeclared reasons that did not appear to be weather-related.

該助推器的身份尚未確定,預計將降落在更遠處的一艘自主無人機上。 SLC-40 是上週第 6-49 組和第 6-48 組任務發射的發射台,後者由於未公開的原因(似乎與天氣無關)兩次異常推遲到發射窗口。

This will be the 76th orbital launch attempt of the year and the 325th orbital Falcon 9 mission to date. At the start of this week, 6,189 Starlink satellites had been launched, of which 402 had re-entered, and 5,196 were in operational orbits.

這將是今年第 76 次軌道發射嘗試,也是迄今為止獵鷹 9 號的第 325 次軌道發射任務。截至本周初,已發射 6,189 顆星鏈衛星,其中 402 顆已重新進入,5,196 顆衛星進入運行軌道。


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