首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 週日完成第二次發射,將更多衛星送入軌道

SpaceX completes second launch Sunday, sends more satellites into orbit

SpaceX 週日完成第二次發射,將更多衛星送入軌道

發布: 2024/01/15 14:40 閱讀: 338

原文作者:A.L. Lee & Mark Moran


SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket from California Sunday on an unmanned mission to deliver 22 more Starlink internet satellites into low Earth orbit. Photo by Joe Marino/UPI | License Photo

SpaceX 週日從加州發射了一枚獵鷹 9 號火箭,執行一項無人任務,將另外 22 顆星鏈網路衛星送入近地軌道。攝影:Joe Marino/UPI |執照照片

Jan. 14 (UPI) -- Amid a thick column of red hot flame, SpaceX launched the second of two Falcon 9 rockets Sunday night on an unmanned mission to deliver more Starlink internet satellites into low Earth orbit.

1 月14 日(合眾國際社)——週日晚上,SpaceX 在濃濃的熾熱火焰中發射了兩枚獵鷹9 號火箭中的第二枚,執行一項無人任務,將更多的星鏈互聯網衛星送入近地軌道。

SpaceX pushed back the target liftoff time to 8:52 p.m. EST to launch a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

SpaceX 將目標發射時間延後至晚上 8 點 52 分。 EST 將從卡納維爾角太空部隊站的 40 號發射場發射獵鷹 9 號火箭。

The Falcon 9 will deploy a batch of 23 Starlink internet satellites.


Space X confirmed the success of the launch on the social media platform X.

Space X 在社群媒體平台 X 上確認了此次發射的成功。


The first rocket, on its 18th mission, blasted off about 1 a.m. PST from Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara, Calif., after multiple delays due to extreme weather.

第 18 次任務中的第一枚火箭於太平洋標準時間凌晨 1 點左右從加州聖塔芭芭拉的范登堡太空部隊基地發射升空,此前由於極端天氣而多次延誤。

The earlier liftoff took place after another launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida was scrubbed Saturday, but was successful Sunday at 8:54 p.m. EST, the rocket 12th flight to deliver 23 additional internet satellites.

早些時候的發射是在周六從佛羅裡達州卡納維拉爾角發射的另一次發射失敗後進行的,但在周日晚上 8:54 成功發射。美國東部時間,火箭第 12 次飛行,額外運送 23 顆網路衛星。

The Falcon 9 rocket booster can deliver payloads to space, then navigate back to Earth and land upright on an ocean platform for later reuse.

獵鷹 9 號火箭助推器可以將有效載荷運送到太空,然後導航返回地球並垂直降落在海洋平台上以供以後重複使用。

The aerospace manufacturing company owned by billionaire Elon Musk got federal approval in December 2022 to launch 7,500 satellites to expand the company's Starlink internet services around the world.

億萬富翁 Elon Musk 旗下的航空航太製造公司於 2022 年 12 月獲得聯邦政府批准,可以發射 7,500 顆衛星,以擴大該公司在全球的星鍊網路服務。

More than 5,300 satellites have been put in orbit so far, with the goal of achieving internet connectivity anywhere in the world, even in the most remote places.

迄今為止,已有超過 5,300 顆衛星進入軌道,目標是在世界任何地方,甚至在最偏遠的地方實現網路連線。

SpaceX is delivering the satellites at a rapid pace after sending a Falcon 9 rocket into space at an average of about every four days throughout 2023, although the operation has slowed somewhat in recent weeks as one rocket was damaged during a return mission on the East Coast in December.

SpaceX 在 2023 年平均每四天一次將獵鷹 9 號火箭送入太空後,正在快速交付衛星,不過最近幾週,由於一枚火箭在東海岸的返回任務中受損,運送速度有所放緩在十二月。

The green light from the Federal Communications Commission was seen as a monumental victory for the company as it sought to grow its broadband network amid increasing competition from major players like DISH and Amazon.

美國聯邦通訊委員會的批准被視為該公司的巨大勝利,因為該公司在來自 DISH 和亞馬遜等主要參與者的競爭日益激烈的情況下尋求發展其寬頻網路。

As the network expands, Musk's Starlink has increased its product offerings over the past year and built up its customer base in sectors such as residential, business, recreational vehicles, boats, and planes.


The space flights to build out the satellite network represent about 60% of total launches SpaceX made last year, while its other flights involved launches to the International Space Station and the Artemis moon mission.

用於建造衛星網路的太空飛行約佔 SpaceX 去年發射總量的 60%,而其他飛行則包括飛往國際太空站和阿耳忒彌斯月球任務的發射。

SpaceX has set a goal to launch hundreds of satellites throughout 2024.

SpaceX 設定的目標是在 2024 年發射數百顆衛星。


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