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Venezuela Enforces Crypto Mining Ban Over High Energy Consumption


發布: 2024/05/20 02:07 閱讀: 361




Venezuela Cracks Down on Cryptocurrency Mining to Address Energy Crisis


Venezuela has taken decisive action by shutting down cryptocurrency mining operations nationwide, according to recent reports. The Ministry of Electric Power asserts that this drastic measure is necessary to curb excessive electricity consumption and ensure consistent power supply for all citizens.


Immediate Disconnection of Mining Farms


On Friday, the Venezuelan Ministry of Electrical Energy (MPPPE) initiated a rigorous control plan targeting high-energy-consuming users, particularly crypto miners.


In an Instagram post, the MPPPE declared, "We are cutting off all cryptocurrency mining farms from the national electrical system."

MPPPE 在 Instagram 貼文中宣布,“我們正在切斷所有加密貨幣礦場與國家電力系統的連接。”

The objective is to reduce the surge in demand and maintain reliable and efficient service across Venezuela. This announcement follows the seizure of over 2,000 crypto mining units in Maracay, signaling a determined crackdown.

目標是減少需求激增並維持整個委內瑞拉可靠和高效的服務。這項宣布是在馬拉凱扣押了 2000 多個加密貨幣挖礦單位之後發布的,這標誌著堅決的打擊行動。

Government's Actions Amid Energy Crisis


Venezuela's electricity struggles are not new. The country has faced power shortages since 2009, reaching a critical low in 2019 with widespread blackouts. These outages have disrupted daily life and economic activities, often leaving cities without power for days.

委內瑞拉的電力鬥爭並不新鮮。該國自 2009 年以來一直面臨電力短缺,並在 2019 年達到嚴重低點,並出現大面積停電。這些停電擾亂了日常生活和經濟活動,常常導致城市數天斷電。

The government attributes some of the blame to sabotage but also acknowledges the need for urgent system upgrades. Amid these challenges, Rafael Lacava, governor of Carabobo, urged citizens to report illegal mining activities.


"If you see a house that you know is mining crypto, tell that person to turn off the farm, or just report it directly," he stated. "They are deducting power straight from the grid so that they can earn some money. And we will be left without electrical service if they don't stop."

他說:“如果你看到一棟你知道正在開採加密貨幣的房子,請告訴那個人關閉農場,或者直接報告。” “他們直接從電網中扣除電力,這樣他們就可以賺一些錢。如果他們不停止,我們將失去電力服務。”

He added that these farms consume so much power that they could potentially lead to nationwide blackouts.


Corruption Issues in Government Ministries


Despite these measures, the crackdown has raised concerns about corruption. Last year, the Venezuelan government targeted corrupt activities within major state institutions like Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and the National Superintendency of Crypto Assets (Sunacrip), resulting in several arrests.

儘管採取了這些措施,打擊行動還是引起了人們對腐敗的擔憂。去年,委內瑞拉政府針對委內瑞拉石油公司 (PDVSA) 和國家加密資產監管局 (Sunacrip) 等主要國家機構內的腐敗活動進行了打擊,導致多人被捕。

Joselit Ramírez of Sunacrip and Tareck El Aissami, a former oil minister, were among those apprehended for serious allegations, including treason and misuse of power.

Sunacrip 的 Joselit Ramírez 和前石油部長 Tareck El Aissami 都因叛國和濫用權力等嚴重指控而被捕。

As the situation unfolds, the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict reports over 200 protests triggered by frequent power outages in the first few months of the year, highlighting the public's frustration and the critical state of Venezuela's electrical infrastructure.



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